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Requested by the amazing crybabysweetheart

"Oh come on Steve I can stay home alone, I'm not a child." I said following my brother into his room as he looked for something.

"Technically speaking yes you are. Your coming with me and that's final." He said

"Why though?"

"Because if I dont take you mom and dad will kill me. Belive me I dont wanna tale you either."
He said standing up straight and looking at me.
"Are you ready?"



I groaned as I went into my room and put on my favorite outfit and grabbed my rollerskates along with my Walkman since I figured I'd just be third wheeling the whole time.

I clipped it onto my side and then went downstairs where Steve was waiting for me.

"Thank you! Now go get in the back were picking him up." He said opening the door.

I groaned and went outside getting in the backseat.

Steve got in the driver's seat and started driving, "Don't be an asshole okay? He's not like the other friends I had I promise."

"Yeah, whatever you say." I mumbled looking out the window.

I met his friends before, well he says their not friends anymore, but all they did was make fun of me the whole time. All he did was laugh with them.

He sighed and kept his eyes on the road.

We stopped on the driveway of a trailer, the car infront of us belonged to this kid from my school.

"No way your friends with Eddie 'the freak' Munson." I said looking over at Steve.

"Like I said, he's not like the other ones." Steve said smiling a little as he looked back at me.

A minute or so later Eddie came out with his skates in his hand and hopped in the front seat.

"Greetings, king Steve." He said with that signature grin on his face.

He looked back at me, "Hey mini Harrington."

"Um hi." Was all I could say.

He smiled at me before looking back to the front and started talking to Steve about everything.

I couldn't help but think about the way he smiled at me, what was that feeling? I felt like I was going to throw up, but somehow not necessarily in a bad way.

"Right Y/n?" Eddie asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry what? I wasn't listening-" I said looking at him.

Eddie Munson x M!reader Practice one shots Where stories live. Discover now