586 37 28

Warning! This chapter would be mentioning! ⚠❗

-corpse ‪☠❗
-not for sensitive people ❌
-slow turtore❗

Im not that good at gore and Horror but I will try! 😊

Also before you start saying what wrong with me? No im fine gore is just my thing! its my favorite genre to an anime/manhwa/book so dont mind me!


Jill shouted as she punches Horror back using all of her strength to get out from his grip But to her dismay her fragile body couldn't sufused her kidnapers strength,

Horror stayed silent enjoying her scream As he went down To the deepest part of the castle where they kept their prisoners,

A shadow papyrus was blocking the entrance door from the Underground jail once he laid his gaze on horror he immediately opened the big door and let him pass.

The skeleton footsteps echoed throughout the Underground jail
Barely litting his path by the candle sticks,

Darkness suffused the monsters creepy figure with an insane smile thinking what he would do to her,They all past between numerous of empty jails but not all are empty,

The girl covered her mouth as she saw a skeleton of a human inside of the few jails they past by.Some jails had people inside and monsters who look at jill with pity,

"your dead meat~"

One of them said insanely laughing Jill look at the guy his eyes was full of craze he was skinny too skinny that she could see his ribcage from his chest.

Horror paused he rather found his words as an insult to the Girl he dart his gaze peircing at the mans soul which made him paused in brief terror,

"and your next~"

The man eyes widen and he begun to screamed his eyes widen even more that his eyeballs would pop out at any second, He bang his head to the bars making Jill flinch As his head begun to bleed and look at jill with his teeth half gone and stained with blood.

She closed her eyes whimpering Horror continued,

The skeleton suddenly stop his track infront of them was a special Room at the end of the long hallway where he was allowed to do whatever he wanted with the prisoners down here.

It was made just for him and he was the only one that can go inside.

He opened the large massive door of steel having a small window infront of it with little bars.

Once he opened it and put down the girl at a Chair she opened her eyes to meet with various of corpses hanging from the ceiling and at the floor their organs plucked out from their stomache while half of them was skinned and rotting,while some of their limbs was gone and hung at the ceiling,She then soon realized the room she was in was a butcher room,

Her eyes trembled in terror and disgust As her breath fasten She was about to shout when the skeleton chained her legs and wrist at the chair as he sat down and stared at her,


And with that the girl screamed.


She cried as she shouted looking away from the corpses the skeleton could only smile in amusement,


Stated horror making her have chills.
She look away letting her messy hair
Cover half of her face.

"Ya know I like kids whose brave
If cha love yer skin den be brave for me"

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