Insane (8)

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For the next couple of hours, you kept waking up and going back to sleep. You were so restless and tired, but sleeping wasn't an easy task at the time. Ben made sure to be there for you when you were awake.

The following day, Natalie stayed with you while he picked up his things from his trailer. A few days ago he had booked a ticket back to London, but he's rescheduled it so he could leave in 2 weeks. In the mean time, he stayed at your house.

You were asleep again when Ben got to your place. Natalie was in the kitchen table reading a book with a cup of tea. She motioned for Ben to get one himself and join her. He did and sat in front of her, blankly staring at his cup.

"She's going to ask you to not continue the relationship," Natalie blurted out. This got Ben's attention. "I agree with her. Right now she's not in a positive, healthy mindset. The more time you spend with her, the more she'll be dependent on this relationship. You leave for London in two weeks and I can guarantee you that she will not want to leave Atlanta. I want to let you know so you don't fight her in this decision," she finalized and took a sip of her tea.

"As much as it hurts, I could never disagree with that. If that's what she wants, then by all means, I will agree. She knows herself better than I do," Ben somberly replied. He had you again, finally openly, but now he doesn't. There was no way in hell he was going to try and dissuade you on this. Natalie was content with his response and said nothing else. Ben just stared at his full cup of tea.

When you woke up, you asked Ben if he could have a talk with you. He already knew what it was about, but he went through it again. After you finished your explanation, Ben simply grabbed your hand and kissed it. "Whatever you need, whenever you need it, I am here for you." You embraced him in a hug. "Do you want me to stay a couple more days or should I book a hotel?" Ben asked, he was not trying to make you uncomfortable in any situation.

"You're more that welcome to stay in the guest bedroom if Natalie isn't sleeping there already," you parted from the hug. "The couch it is," Ben jokingly said. It cracked a little smile on your lips. "Thank you for understanding Ben. I still like you a shit ton, but I'm doing this for my own good," you nibbled in your bottom lip.

"Don't worry darling, I understand. Know that I feel the same way towards you. You can take all the time that you need," he placed his hand on top of yours. After a couple seconds you spoke up. "I'm going to hop in the shower, I feel icky."

Ben smiled and got up from the bed, "I'll go heat up some food for you. Natalie is quite a cook, but not as good as I am." You smiled this time, "So cocky." Ben shrugged, "Just facts."

He stepped out of the room while you headed to the shower. "Hey Ben, I need to step out for a couple of hours. I need to check up on the business and some things at my house," Natalie grabbed her bag. "She's in safe hands. We already had the talk, so I'm just trying to comfort her in the best way possible," Ben mentioned. "You're a good person, thank you," she smiled at him before heading out the door.

Ben went to the fridge and took out a pot full of soup Natalie had made yesterday. He went ahead and started heating it up as well as setting up the dinning table. He was finished pretty quickly, so he went ahead and started looking at the hallway closet for clean sheets. He thought having clean sheets on the bed would make a slight difference for you.

Ben was able to find clean sheets and went to your bedroom. He heard the shower still running. He went ahead and changed all the sheets on your bed, as well as folding a new blanket at the foot of the bed. He didn't want to get rid of any of the dirty sheets in case you had a sentimental value to them at the moment.

Ben carefully folded the dirty sheets in the laundry room and set them on top of the washer. A couple of minutes later, you walked out with a new shirt and sweatpants on. "Did you change my sheets?" You questioned him.

"Erm yes, I have the dirty ones in the laundry room in case you didn't want to clean them yet," Ben rubbed the back of his neck. "That's very sweet of you, thank you," you walked over to him. "Yeah of course," Ben leaned on the counter. You gave him another hug and looked up at him.

His beautiful eyes stared right into yours. Ben's hand gently went to your sides to reciprocate the gentle hug. Without double thinking, you lifted yourself on your toes and kissed him. Ben was shocked by your movement, but kissed you back. After a couple of seconds he broke the kiss. "I thought you didn't want.." he trailed off.

"I need a distraction right now," you said beginning to grab at the hem of his jeans. Was this a bad idea? Maybe. Ben wasn't going to say no to you.

He leaned down to connect your lips once again, this time he moved his hands down to your ass, groping it as his tongue made its way into your mouth. You moaned.

Without breaking the kiss, Ben picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his body as he took you to your room.


For the next two weeks, Ben alternated from sleeping beside you to sleeping in the guest bedroom. He would never initiate sex, only you did. It was the best idea to keep it that way.

In those two weeks, you and Ben only had sex three times. It was a mutual feeling of lust, but it never moved on to talking about getting back together. You were set on not being in a relationship until you felt you were strong enough. Ben, of course, supported your decision.

By the time Ben was going to leave, you were getting ready to get back to work. Everyone thought it was too soon for you, but you wanted to change your routine again. You were tired of just thinking in your room.

Before Ben left, you and him had breakfast. You had your normal news conversation with him. Things seemed to slowly start getting back to normal. By the end of it, Ben went ahead and washed up the few plates. He grabbed his suitcase as he got a text from his driver that he was there.

He firmly embraced you, "Remember, whatever and whenever you need it. I'll be here for you." He kissed the top of your head. You gently smiled and said your goodbyes before the made his way to the car.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now