How You Want To (1)

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"This isn't a competition, it doesn't matter who met her first or who talked to her first. Why are you treating her like an object," a 15 year old Ben paced his room. "Woah, hold on. I know this isn't a competition, and she's not an object. Just because I actually had the balls to go up to her and actually speak to her, you're saying that it's a competition?" Andrew, his best friend replied back.

"Yes Andrew! I'm going to think it's a competition because you knew how I felt about her!" Ben raised his voice. "You're just a little selfish, arrogant, pussy. There were many opportunities for you to talk to her! You never did buddy! You want to know why, because she liked me better than she did you!" Andrew raised his voice and pointed his finger at Ben.

That was the last straw, Ben tackles Andrew to the floor and they began fighting. The both threw punches to the ribs and face. They scrambled and hit each other for a good minute until Ben's and Andrew's dad got to the room. They separated their sons from each other.

"What in the bloody hell is going on?" Ben's dad enquired. "Andrew's being a prick," Ben replied wiping some blood from his nose. "And Ben a sensitive twink," Andrew announced. Ben moved to tackle him again but his dad held him back.

"Ben, you're grounded," his dad told him. "Andrew, you too," Andrew's father chimed in. "Whatever," Andrew broke from his fathers grip and left the room. Both dads apologized for theirs sons actions, and in just a few moments, Ben and his dad were alone in the house.

"Can you explain to me what the fuck happened?" his dad sat next to him on his bed. "I was into this really pretty girl at school. I told Andrew about it and I tried talking to her but every time that I did Andrew would tell me not to and then a few minutes later I would see him talking to her. So I tried to beat him to her the last couple of day's so I can actually go to her. He's making this into a competition to see who can talk to her first, I know it because he told me last week," Ben slumped his body.

"Oh Ben, don't ruin your friendships because of girls. Let me tell you one thing, let it be. I can assure you that this girl your talking about will be a nobody and not in your lives in the future. The first girlfriend never are," Ben's daddy patted his back and left Ben with that thought.


*5 years later*

Another tedious day, another long afternoon. Ben got out his keys to his flat and entered the small living space. On the couch was Andrew and his girlfriend. Ben sighed and closed the door. "How was the date? Did he like you?" Andrew spoke without looking away from the tv. "Fuck off," Ben became aggravated and went straight to his room.

"Andrew," you looked at your boyfriend of 5 years, "What the fuck?" you quirked your brows at him. "What?" he innocently asked. "You know he was at work, why would you ask him that?" you didn't wait to get a response, you just got up and went to your shared room. A few seconds later he followed.

Ben heard the door slam shut. At first he heard screaming. You were asking why Andrew had to be such a dickhead at times. Andrew responded with the same bullshit answers. It went on like that for a few minutes until he heard the wall rumble and the voices stop.

"Fuck," Ben sighed. He had gotten comfortable and laid on his bed, but he knew too well what the silence meant after the screams. He promptly put on his shoes on and grabbed his keys again. Ben could already hear you panting and moaning. He gripped his hand into a fist and clenched his jaw.

Ben walked out of the flat, fumes coming out of his ears. It was because of two reasons. One, because he thought Andrew should have the decency to not fuck you while he's there. Secondly, he wanted to be the one fucking you. His father lied. You were going to matter years later.

There was never peace in that house unless Andrew wasn't there. Those were only on Tuesdays, to Ben's liking, you and him didn't work that day. Andrew worked all day on Tuesday's, so Ben gets to spend it with you.

The day doesn't normally start until past noon. Your routine is to wake up and just lay in bed for an hour or so. Then you get up to use the bathroom. Ben leaves his door open just a tad, so he knows when to go outside and when not to.

Once you go back into your room, he goes out and starts making some sort of lunch. The aroma gets to you and you head out again. Since you've known Ben for a couple of years, you come out in your plain white tank top without a bra on and your booty shorts. Ben always needs to hide his boner when he sees your nipples perk up. He sometimes, purposefully, turns down the temperature so you could get cold.

"Jesus Christ," you walked to the system, "Who actually wants it to be this cold?" you questioned Ben as you turned it down. He's always blamed Andrew for it. You always told him to stop turning down the temperature and Andrew always replies it's not him. But you believed more in Ben than you believed in your own boyfriend.

"I guess Andrew wants it to be winter already," Ben joked. "No kidding," you took a seat at one of the stools you had. Without looking away from the stove, Ben questioned, "You want a grilled cheese sandwich." You chuckled, "I thought you'd never ask."

Ben didn't mind you always came out when he made food. He adored every second with you. "How's work?" you decided to ask. "Erm...pretty tough," Ben replied. "How so?" you questioned. He nervously cleared his throat, "Well, erm, they needed to cut a few people and I was one of them. I'm officially unemployed as of yesterday."

Your eyes widened, "Oh my god, Ben. That's horrible." You were genuinely worried, he was your friend after all. "Yeah, I know, but it's alright. I'm already looking into other jobs and I think I might get hired by one of my friends," Ben calmly responded. You quirked your brows in suspicion, "You're not talking about Kay, are you?"

Ben nervously cleared his throat, "No, no, of course not." You got up and went to his side. Ben looked over at you and saw your boobs were still cold. He harshly gulped and hoped for his boner to slowly grow. You grabbed onto his arm and looked him in the eyes, "Ben, you know I worry about you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Ben sweetly smiled, "I assure you nothing will. I'm not affiliated with him. I've got another job with another of my friends, promise." You smiled and kissed his cheek. Your boobs grazed his arm as well. "I'll be right back," you told him before going back into your room.

Ben had a massive one now. It was his opportunity to leave. He put the sandwich on a plate and immediately went to his room when he heard your door shut. Ben sat on his bed and lowered his pants. All he needed was his imagination to make himself cum.

Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines Prt. 2Where stories live. Discover now