Insane (7)

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He wasn't able to get much sleep throughout the night. He woke up every single hour, but continued to fall asleep since his body needed to rest. When the time was 8:50, he was out the door. He managed to combe his hair and make himself presentable to Feige.

He walked the semi long way to his office, but made it just in time. Ben knocked on the door and heard Feige telling him to enter. There was no professional handshake or introduction, Ben was immediately told to take a seat.

"Benedict Wong told me the news you found out yesterday," he started out. Ben's eyes could tell everyone he was a little shocked by the news. "He's worried about you, and rightfully so. It hurts the most when you get false news. Benedict, Y/n is healthy and alive," he told Ben. Another shock to his system.

"H-how do you know?" Ben mumbled. "Because I was with her these past few days. Her mother, who's name was Y/n L/n passed away almost 2 weeks ago of cardiac complications. I was at the funeral with her. I was very great friends with her father back in college. They became part of my family, as I did to them. She's going to be so mad that I told you, but you deserve to know," Kevin continued.

"Her father passed away in a car crash when she was only 10. It's been her and her mother on their own since then. Of course I promised her father I would help when they were in need. Her dad was always a jokester so he put in his Will that I have to make sure she doesn't date anyone while she's working under me, for at least one contract. It was a silly joke he made, but since it was on his Will, it had to be put in her contract. I knew almost immediately when you two began seeing each other. She told me because she wanted to make sure there were no legal actions going to happen against her for breaking her contract rules. We decided to keep it under wraps because if people know she broke her contract without any consequences, it was going to give other people the courage to do the same."

"I love Y/n as is she were my own daughter. She hates to share information like this, but she really liked you Ben, so I am compelled to tell you now because she really needs you. She needs you most than anyone around. Her mother was her main focus and priority ever since they found out she had some cardiac problems. She was going to the hospital because of her mother. Sadly, she passed away and now I bet she feels alone. I tried to give her all my comfort, but I know she doesn't want it. I have a feeling you can change that," Kevin passed Ben a piece of paper with your address on it.

"Just say Uncle Kev sent you, she can be mad at me later. Right now, she needs you Ben. So please, go to her," he finished off by leaning back on his chair. Ben took the piece of paper. He thanked Kevin for all the information he was given and excused himself out of the office.

He immediately texted Ben and Xotchil that you were alive and that he would explain later. He immediately went to go get a driver that was ready to go anywhere he needed. He gave him the address on the slip and made the 40 minute car ride to your house.

Once arriving to the destination, Ben let the driver go back to set. He put the paper back in his pocket and nervously knocked on the door. After a few seconds, someone opened the door.

"Hi, can I help you?" She said through the small crack. "Erm hi, is Y/n around?" Ben anxiously asked. The girl on the other side of the door eyed Ben. "How did you know to get here?" She questioned. "Uncle Kev," Ben simply replied. She opened the door fully. "Sorry, she's a very private person. I'm Natalie, her best friend. She's laying in bed right now. I know she trusts you, so am I able to leave you with her while I run to get some groceries? She hasn't eaten anything except soup, I need to go get a couple more things to make her something," Natalie sighed as she stepped aside to let Ben in.

"Yeah of course. Can I go in the room with her?" Ben questioned. "Let's so see if she wants to see you first," Natalie led Ben to your room. She softly opened the door to a light dimmed bedroom. The curtains were closed, but only a few rays of sunshine creeped in. "Babe, Ben is here," Natalie blurted out.

You slowly turned to face them at the door. Ben stood at the entrance. He was unsure if he should go hug you or leave you be until you wanted to see him. Your face quickly contorted to a frown, "Ben," you slightly whispered and began to cry. He immediately went to your side and sat next to you. "I'm here darling," he caressed your messy hair.

Ben bent down to embrace you in a hug, which you gracefully accepted. Natalie excused herself to the groceries and left you and Ben alone. "I'm sorry Ben, I wanted to tell you, but it was so hard to do it," you cried into your blanket. "It's okay, you don't have to explain anything. Uncle Kev, told me what he thought I needed to know to come and be with you," he laid down next to you.

"He really cares about you. I understand why you didn't tell me. I just want to let you know that I will always be here for you. For whatever you need and whenever you need it," Ben kissed the top of your head. You put your head on his chest and silently let our tears.

You had already drained yourself of most of the tears you had, but his presence made you emotional. After a couple of minutes of silence, Ben heard you gently breathing. You had fallen asleep in his arms. That's all he wanted since last week. To know you were safe. He knew you were in a dark place right now, but he was finally able to rest after knowing you were alive.

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