How You Want To (6)

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Two months have passed since Ben and you have created the account. Day after day, the views grow and the likes are doubled. It was getting harder for Ben and you to cover because you didn't want to expose yourselves yet. Apart from that, it was getting harder for Ben to see you sleep every night with Andrew.

Of course, there were nights where you're having sleepover with "the girls," but that's only twice a month. Since Ben also "came out," it's a little easier for you and him to lay down together without having Andrew bark the whole night about it.

One day when Andrew got home, Ben was giving you a much needed massage. Your shirt was off and you had no bra on. Andrew was almost going to punch the hell out of Ben, but you got in between. Ben would only try to hide his smirk in the back. Neither of you knew when to finally let the truth be known.

After a long day at work, you and Ben arrived at the flat around the same time. "It's Andrew's night shift today," you put some grocery bags on the counter. "Oh, that means new videos for us?" Ben happily smiled and helped you with the bags. You chuckled and nodded your head.

It was silent for a minute, until Ben spoke up. "I was thinking...I know you're tired of Andrew, and I know I'm definitely tired of seeing him try to be romantic with you. I propose that we don't reveal ourselves yet, but that we start exposing more parts of the house. We can do a video in the kitchen, or the bathroom, or the couch. You name it, but something different."

You knew it wasn't going to be long for Andrew to figure it out, but you kept in mind what Ben said. Both of you were getting annoyed with Andrew, it was about time to cut him off from your life. "Yeah, I'm completely fine with that. We can even tag him in one of our videos that way he gets a better hint. I'm done with Andrew and I'm ready to leave his ass for good," you replied. "That's my baby," Ben leaned down and kissed your lips.

For the next couple of minutes, you and Ben chatted about the video you could do tonight. The conversation was interrupted by a chime coming from Ben's phone. It was an email directed to the email account he made for the Pornhub. It read:

Hello strangers,

My name is Andrew, straight male. Or known as BigBoyAndy on Pornhub. I want to start off by saying I love the creativity and lust that come from your videos. Been a fan since you first started out. I see that you two are new around the community just as myself. I was just wondering if you two would be up to do a video with me. I think it'd be great since we're starting up and it can potentially blowup. Just send an email back about what you think. Have a good night and keep making some juicy love!

Your mouth fell into a wide gap. Ben had the same reaction you did. "Don't reply," you began to have ideas, "We need to get a new phone number tomorrow." Ben was still in shock, "How is this even happening?" You grabbed onto Ben and looked him in the eyes, "Listen, this is our opportunity to fuck with him, expose him, and just leave. We get a new phone number, text him from that phone and we set out a day to 'meet.' This is it Ben, oh my god." Ben chuckled.

The both of you were hugging when the door opened. Andrew looked a bit serious, "Why are you hugging and happy?" You hugged Ben tighter, "Well my best friend here got a promotion and he hasn't been working there for a long time." Andrew listlessly continued walking to your shared bedroom. "I thought it was his night shift today," Ben whispered towards you. "Yeah, might have been cut short like his..." you lowered your eyes to Ben's groin, "Or, the person realized he had a small one."

Ben chuckled, "Wouldn't doubt it. Our plans are now canceled," he proceeded to pout. "We'll have an eventful day tomorrow when we reply," you let go of him and walked to the other side of the counter. "Maybe I should go out tonight and say I'm going on a date. That way he doesn't become suspicious and ask why we're always together and why we always leave at the same time . Then you can make up a story about a guy. Then you tell me the lie tomorrow morning in my bed," Ben winked. "I like the way you think," you slightly bit your bottom lip.

Andrew walked out the room and took a seat in the living room, you walked towards him. "No shift tonight," you asked while looking at Ben. "Nope, got cancelled," he kept it short and simple. Ben got off the counter and and got his keys, "Well, I've got to go." You played along and asked, "Where to?" Ben smiled, "I've got another date, this guy is serious. Buying me stuff, taking me out everywhere. I'm officially his boyfriend. I'm glad I came out," Ben looked towards Andrew as he finished his sentence.

With a blank stare Andrew replied, "Good for you mate." With that said, Ben got his coat and walked out.


The following morning, you laid in bed with Ben. "So where did you end up going last night?" you curiously questioned. "I went to an AA meeting. I've been required to go for the past few months. I had gotten an email saying how I should go in case of feeling a relapse. Don't worry, I'm not feeling that way, but I just wanted to go and share my story," Ben caressed your hair.

"I'm so proud of you baby," you gave him a big kiss on the lips, "You've come so far to become healthy and strong again." Ben smiled and kissed you back, "All with your help love. Also, what did you tell Andrew last night, that way we don't get caught." You began to laugh, "I told him that you've been seeing that guy a lot and that you're always having lunch together and flirting at work. Not that much information."

Ben chuckled, "Well you didn't lie either." You snuggled close to him, "Nope." After a few more minutes and after 20 minutes of fucking, Ben and you got ready to go eat breakfast and buy a new phone for the fake contact.

You two sat in the car with the new phone and blankly stared at it. "Ok, I should reply to his email first and then give him the phone number," Ben stated. "Ok," you agreed. Ben logged into the fake email and began writing his response.

Hello Andrew,

We're glad that you got in contact with us and we're really happy that you're enjoying the videos. We'd love to make a video with you. I feel that our collaboration will bring a lot of attention and popularity. We should keep in touch and find out more information. I'll put my phone number at the end. You should also know by now that our identities are a secret. Recently we've been thinking about revealing our faces, and maybe this time would be great. I'm glad you got in contact, we'll give out more details in the near future. Have a good day.

Ben passed you the phone. You chuckled, "The last sentence is so you, but lets keep it." With that, Ben sent the email. Not even 10 minutes later, Andrew had sent an emial and a text. Ben was driving so you read his text out loud.

I'm stoked mate! This is Andrew, by the way. We can call at a convenient time you have and see if there needs to be any flight plans. I'm located in Liverpool in the UK.

You began formulating your response.

No calling, everything has to be a secret until we meet. That's great, we're located there too. We'll have the Marriott hotel as our meeting place. Hopefully not too far from home. Also, we've liked to rent out the room and use our equipment for the video. All you would have to do is to come. That sound good?

You read the text out loud to Ben. "I hope he doesn't think this is too easy." You sent the text anyways. A few minutes later you got a response.

Alright! You guys are making it easy on me. Does Friday work for you two?

Ben and you laughed at his response. "Well he's dumber than I thought," Ben chuckled. "No doubt in that," you replied as you formulated another text.

That works perfectly fine. We'll set up the things around 6, maybe you can come around 8 in the evening if that works for you.

That works. I can't wait to meet you two. Your girlfriend seems 1000% prettier than mine.

"What an idiot," you scoffed and read the message to Ben. "He's going to be in for a huge surprise," Ben commented as he continued to drive.

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