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P/S : The gangs age around 18-19 years old in this story.

'You.' He begins to speak.
'What is - - - - - -' "-ng? -ang? Fang! FANG!"

Fang jolted up. Eh? "Wha- what happe-" His back smacked hard. Fang turned around and saw Gopal with his not really guilty face.

"Aiya, Fang." Ying said as she smacked her forehead.

"You sleepyhead. We already arrived at TAPOPS station an hour ago, but you are still sleeping," the girl in the pink scarf speaks.

"That's right." The first voice agreed with Yaya. Fang turned around and saw that brunette hair with the Dino cap and sighed, "Boboiboy." He smiled sweetly at his response.

"How's your feeling? You were sleeping soundly, so we decided to let you rest for a while, bu-" Boboiboy asked worriedly, but Gopal cut him off.
"But then you were thrashing around like being possessed! AH- WHAT'S THAT FOR, YAYA?" Gopal screamed as Yaya pinched him.

"What kind of gibberish do you talk about, Gopal? Fang just tired." Yaya answered while glaring at him.

"True laa, Gopal. What kind of friend are you?" Ying joined forces with Yaya.

"Huhuhu... How could you say that to me? I just want to make Fang feel better." Said Gopal with his sad face.

"Yeah right!" Yaya and Ying rolled their eyes.

"Hahahahaha.. Serves you right, Gopal, for smacking my back hard." Fang replied happily.

"Are you sure you are okay, Fang?" Boboiboy being a worry wart as always.

"Yes. It is not a big deal. I just need to rest my eyes for a while." Fang chuckled at his friend's worried expression.

"I knew it. Let's go to the cafe and let Fang have his fill on carrot doughnut!" Gopal interrupted.

'You just want to eat.' All the members there rolled their eyes.

--At the cafeteria--

"I'm glad that we actually succeeded in this mission," said Yaya.

"Mmphh-- mmphhh"

"Yeah Gopal. Do you actually think we could understand what you are talking about?" came the reply from Ying.

Fang chuckled at the sight. "That's right, Gopal."You sure make it look like a beggar who has been starving for several days." Fang smirked at him.

"Deyy. If it is not because of you, thrashing around like you're possessed by a demon, I already went to the cafeteria long ago." Gopal retorted.

Fang face becomes distorted as guilty feelings creep on. Right then, a hand came to soothe his back. He turned around and saw Boboiboy backing me up."Fang was just having a nightmare, Gopal. I'm sure he will treat you as compensation for your late lunch." He smirked.

'What do I expect from this Dino obsessed boy?' Fang palmed his own face while Boboiboy laughed his heart out.

"Auntie! Put all of my debts on this purple hedgehog's tab!" Gopal shouted excitedly.

"Woi! Who said I'm going to treat all of it!"

"Hahahahaha, Boboiboy said," Gopal replied smugly.

"Ehehehe," that brunette boy replied while scratching his head. "It's okay, just subtract my salary then." He continued. Yaya and Ying shake their heads.

"Deyy... I am just joking, but if you are kind enough to settle my debts, come, come my sugar daddy Bobby, Fangie! Muah! Muah!" Gopal makes his rounds, hugging and kissing Boboiboy, and changes his target to Fang later on.

"No thanks. I'm straight." He replied sarcastically.

"Aw, don't be like that, Fang. We are friends, right?" Yaya asked with her puppy eyes.

"Ya lahhh. You big baby, come here!" Ying joined.
Fang turned his head, hoping for some help from Boboiboy, but he was just eating his food there peacefully while enjoying the show.

The three of them suffocate him with their tight hugs before a coughing sound comes from the cafeteria door.

"Ahem. Do I interrupt something?" Kaizo asked while leaning on the wall.

Boboiboy choked on his food while the rest released their hug of Fang. "No, captain. We are just fooling around." Fang replied while arranging his clothes, thanks to three brutal huggers.

"Hmm, never mind that. "Come, the admiral wants to hear your report for this mission." Kaizo replied dully and proceeded to the meeting room. The members follow their captain without saying much.

Mini theatre:

Kaizo happily entered the cafeteria to see his long gone little brother: See his Fang being crushed with hugs.

Kaizo: Big brother mode on.

Boboiboy: Ehem.. Captain, please control your bloodthirst. They are your little brother's friends.

Gopal, Yaya, and Ying: Squish Fang a little more.

Kaizo: Take his jealousy to another level.


Fang: ?????

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