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Fang woke up to a ticklish sensation on his face. He grunted as his sleepiness overwhelmed anything at the moment. However, whatever is on his face, he does not give up but becomes more aggressive instead. Fang opened his eyes, annoyed, and was greeted by an excited ball of shadow jumping around on his chest.

"Nyx," Fang says softly. (The picture above is what Nyx kind of looks like)

Nyx responded excitedly to Fang's recognition. It increased its size and frolicked around Fang's bed.

"I know, I know." "Sheesh, we just did not see each other for two days, and you already like this," Fang said as he made his bed neatly.

Nyx slowly dissolved and became a shadow again, murking below Fang's bed. Fang is amused by Nyx's behaviour and extends his hand to that pool of shadow.

"I'm sorry for neglecting you. Please do not sulk, okay? Next time, I will bring you out much earlier, hmm?" Fang coaxed it with an apologetic face.

That's right, Nyx is part of Fang's power, which is a shadow manipulator, but despite being part of Fang, that purple-haired boy never once used it in a fight. This is because Nyx has been with him since the very beginning, when he got his power from Ochobot. Nyx is like another part of Fang, as it is the only being that has accompanied him from the very beginning of his journey until today.

Nyx slowly formed tentacles and creeped onto Fang's hand, and materialised itself into a small ball. Fang glee at the sight. Nyx started to float around while Fang proceeded to do his morning routine. Half an hour later, they leave the room with Nyx floating above Fang's head.

"Fang, watch out!" comed a scream behind him.

"Thorn you, br-", and before Fang could process what was happening, a solid body crashed upon him. Fortunately, Nyx dissolved and served as a cushion for his back. Fang opened his eyes and saw Solar with his grumpy face.

"Uhmm.. good morning, Solar," said Fang.

"My morning was already ruined. What's good there?" came the reply from that white-clad boy.

"Aw.. don't be like that, brother. It's a joke. Even Fang does not mind. Right, Fang?" Thorn said as he walked towards us.

"I don't know about that, Thorn," Fang replied.

"And.. Solar? Could you mind getting off me?" Fang continued.

Solar was dazed momentarily before removing his hand from behind Fang's head, which was in order to not let that boy injure his head and get up. He held out his hands to Fang and helped him up.

"Thanks," Fang said as he let Nyx creep onto his hand and let it materialise again.

"Woww... what is that, Fang?" Is it the legendary Nyx? This is the first time I've seen it, " Thorn exclaimed excitedly.

Nyx became ecstatic at Duri's exclamation and fluttered around him. Fang is delighted at the scene as Nyx does not mind opening up to another person beside him, as lately, it's only been Ying and Yaya. Solar stared at Fang wordlessly.

"Are you okay?" I asked him away.

"Hmmm?", Fang raised his head, as Solar was a little bit taller than him.

"What do you mean?" "I'm the same as always," he replied nonchalantly.

"Do you think I'm like Ori?" "You clearly are not okay with that heavy eye bag and sleep-deprived face," that white-capped boy grumbled.

"He he", he replied while scratching his head before continuing, "Speaking of which, why you already split? It's only eight in the morning, and usually Boboiboy will split when there are enemies or when helping Tok Aba."

'He changed the topic, this sly hedgehog', Solar muttered in his heart.

"We helped Captain Kaizo as his sparring partner," Thorn interrupts with Nyx bouncing on his self-made vein.

Fang holds out his hand, and Nyx obediently comes back to him.

"SOLAR, THORN, THERE YOU ARE," comes an irritated voice behind them.

"Thunderstorm, have you already finished?" Solar asked while putting away the veins that Thorn was playing with Nyx.

"Yeah, thanks to both of you FOOLING around, I got my ass beaten by Captain," replied Thunderstorm while rolling his eyes.

Captain Kaizo walked behind Thunderstorm with his training suit. Looking pretty handsome if you ask.

"Hehe, we just want to take a little breather," Thorn hehed

Solar just looks at his brother helplessly, as he is too lazy to respond. He walked away while whisking Fang along and leaving with, "I'm hungry." "Let's get some breakfast."

Fang just let him be dragged away like a rice sack by Solar. Nyx bared his teeth to Solar, who dared to drag his master away. Solar pays no mind to that little plump ball of shadow.

"Aishh.... "Let's go together, Solar." Thorn follows happily. "Come Thunderstorm, Captain!" that boy called cheerfully.

Thunderstorm glanced over at his captain. Obviously, he noticed the changes in air when his captain saw Fang earlier. Not to mention, the expression that Solar usually makes when something is off while talking with Fang.

"That's all for today." You can go with them and get your breakfast." Kaizo pretended he hadn't noticed Thunderstorm's glance and walked away.

Thunderstorm just shrugged it off and followed his brothers silently from behind.

-At the cafeteria-

"Hello guys," Fang said as he approached the Kokotiam gang, which had already started eating with Solar beside him.

"Ah, hello there, Fang." Are you already feeling better?" Ying asked worriedly.

"Has your fever already gone down?" Yaya questioned while putting down her food and stared concerned at Fang, who sat down beside her.

"Yeah, it's not that bad," Fang replied and grabbed a carrot doughnut from Gopal's plate.

"Deyy! "It's a shock learning Boboiboy's true name until you fainted," said Gopal while watching Fang happily munch on the carrot doughnut.

"I'm just tired." It's just a coincidence that I fainted at that time. Fang replied, unbothered.

"Is that so?" came Boboiboy's reply beside him.

All four heads turned around drastically at the voice. "Boboiboy?" they muttered.

"Since when do you transform back," Gopal asked.

"Ya lahhh. "We don't even notice," Ying added.

"Heh. "My stealth has gone better right," that Dino cap bo smirked.

"Deyy. "At this point, you can already be a ghost sneaking around like that," Gopal mumbled to himself.

"Ehh... Nyx!" Yaya exclaimed at the sight of Nyx being fed a carrot doughnut by Fang.

"GYAAA! NYX!" Gopal shouted and stood up suddenly.

"Aw, what's the matter with you, Gopal?" "My eardrum nearly burst." Ying, who was sitting beside him, asked annoyedly.

"That little lump of shadow attacked me once on earth," Gopal replied.

All of sudden, their power watch beep indicated that there is a mission for them.

Boboiboy stood up and said, "Let's go, guys."

The Kokotiam gang finished their breakfast and quickly went to the meeting room.

Hello, my fellow readers! I'm really appreciative of whoever it is that has enjoyed reading my writing. I'm sorry if there are some grammar mistakes 😛, and do pardon me for my poor writing. I might be unable to update this story as regularly as I can as I will begin my new semester this month 🫠. I really appreciate it if you guys would vote for this story, but just knowing that there is somebody out there reading my writing is already a big comfort for me, so it's up to you want to vote or not 😆😆😆. Thank you for reading my rambling. I hope you guys have a lovely day. 😘

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