Chapter 5 - sleepover like the old times?

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Kyles POV:

I open the door to my house and drag stan upstairs into my bathroom, we had just gotten our ears pierced. I've gotten multiple piercings before so i'm used to the pain. On the other hand, this was the first ever piercing that stan got. I scramble through the drawers, drying to find medication for new piercings. I found it and unscrew the cap. I turn to stan who was staring at the piercing in my mirror, Did he get taller? Obviously i'm not gonna try and tippy-toe up to put the medicine on him so i sit on the counter and and pull his wrist to guide him over to me. i feel his face getting warmer because of how close we are, i hold back my smile. God, i love teasing him. my left hand holding his jaw as my right hand put the medicine on his ear where the piercing was. As i finished up, i felt stans hand hold my waist. I slightly blush and screw the cap back on, i toss it into the drawer and look back up at stan's piercing. I braced myself to not get hypnotized by his beautiful ocean eyes before looking into them. he was all red but i pretend not to notice

Kyle - "looks good, dude"
Stan - "thanks ky..."
Kyle - "yea, no problem"

Stan hugs me, his head snuggled in my back as his arms wrapped around my waist. I lean back and balance on my right arm as my left hand fondled with his hair, i chuckled on how nerdy he was being.

Kyle - "Touchy asshole"
Stan - "shut up, let me hug you for a while"

Stans POV:

I embraced his cinnamon smell, i loved it. i was honestly surprised that kyle let me hold him for a bit. Usually he would push me away and get all flustered or mad, but over the years, he's gotten more flirty and bold. I'm not complaining tho. It was just cute that he got all red and would cover his face.


It came from kyles phone, he grabbed it and went though it. He pulled his hand away from my hair, i slightly whimper as he does. i'm guessing he heard it because he softly scoffed. He started to text someone and i became curious, I groan his name. Indicating that i want him to pay attention to me, he then suggested that we can just cuddle on the bed. But before he can get off the counter, i pick him up. He gasps and gets surprised by the sudden action but covers the bottom half of his face with his shirt to hide his flustering. I giggle as i walk over to his room, placing him on the bed and laying on top of him with my head on his chest and hugging him. I close my eyes but something keeps bugging me, like this though in the corner of my mind.

Stan - "Ky, who are you texting?"
Kyle - "why do you wanna know?"
Stan - "cause i just do"
Kyle - "i'm texting davíd"
Stan - "davíd? why?"

My eyes shoot open as i lift my head up to look at him, he still doesn't look at me and continues to smile at his phone.

Kyle - "Why not? it isn't bothering you"

It is.

Stan - "Cmon dude, you were also close to davíd before you even left. Besides, it's been SOO long since we had a cuddle night..."

Slight flashback/recap

Stans off and on relationship with wendy hurt him everything she left so he vented to kyle a lot, drinking too. They created a thing called 'cuddle night', it's basically where kyle would sleep in stan's bed or the other way around for a week or at least until stan and wendy get back together. but sometimes they would just do it if one of them has a nightmare or do it for fun. Stan would be the one who request it for the most part, all of this started at the start of high school.

—back to Stan's POV:

Kyle sighs and puts his phone down, he leaned his head back as i snuggle closer to him. He's mine and only mine, it may sound cheesy but i don't want anyone to get close to him. I hated it so much when that latino called him names, like carino or mi amor... it's so shitty. it's already 3pm and i wanted kyle to sleepover today because he couldn't yesterday. I didn't move nor open my eyes, i'm guessing kyle didn't either as i asked.

Stan - "kyle..."
Kyle - "mm..?"
Stan - "Can we sleepover at my house? last time we couldn't sooo..."
Kyle - "sure dude, i just need to pack a bag"

I get off of kyle so he can pack a pair of clothes and hygiene products. kyle threw his bag over his shoulders as i ruffled his soft hair, We went downstairs to let Mrs. Brofoloski aka sheila know.

Kyle - " hey ma, can i sleep over at stan's today?"
Sheila - "Sure bubbie, just make sure to go to school on time. And oh stan, Give this to ya mother"

Mrs. Brofoloski pushed a gift basket full of fresh and ripe fruit onto my hands, i gripped the sides making sure i don't drop it.

Stan -" Y-yes ma'am.., thank you. I'm sure my mom will love it"

Mrs. Brofoloski hummed in response as she continued to do whatever, i look at kyle who was grinning like an idiot. I nudge him with my elbow and we start walking out to my car. we got in and i place the gift basket in kyles lap

Kyle - "why do i have to hold it? cant you just put it in the back seat??"
Sheila - "some of the fruit is soft and it can tilt over so it'll just become a pile of mush, you don't want that, do you? It's your moms gift to my mom"
Kyle - "ugh!"

Kyle groans as i start to pull out of the driveway, he puts his bag onto the floor infront on him.

Kyles POV:

I put the gift basket onto my lap and drop my bag on the passenger floor. my toothbrush sticks out and accidentally opens one of the latches. as i put my toothbrush back in, i look over in the latch and i see a box of condoms.

it was XL too.

I immediately turn red and go stiff. i look out the window from stan seeing my flush face, though i think it was too late and he already saw it. He gives me a confused smile, not knowing what happened.

Stan - "everything okay, ky?"
Kyle - "Yep! nothings wrong.."

I look down at my knees as my hands gripped my thighs, i was silent for the whole car ride. Stan made a few comments but i didn't say a word

- 1160 words

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