chapter 1

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author pov

hyunmi is still sleeping deeply on her super comfy bed that her father had bought for her 5 years ago when she was 12.she sleep soundly like a- you know.

she was woken up by the sound of her mom calling her from downstair with a not so loud voice,and you wondering why she still wake up?cause she thought that a little sound was pretty annoyed her.

"arasso! omma"hyunmi reply while messing up her hair.
after that she decide to have her quick shower so that she will have her breakfast and went to school early as always.

after that she wear her school uniform,comb her brown curly hair and let them rest on her shoulder,it wasnt even tide up,so...she look perfectly fine.

she went downstair and sit at the dinning table waiting for her mom to serve her breakfast.while waiting for that,she is wondering about somerhing while kept looking toward her watch.'where is she?'.she was waiting for junmi her bestfriend,yeah.then her mom come while serving the pancake she just made,not long after that there was a knock and with a full speed hyunmi went to open the door revealing her big fellow."yah! where have you been??".hyunmi asked."i was-"uljima,dont talk anymore let just eat our breakfast first"she cut her big bestfriend while went to sit at the dinning table and eat.hyunmi mom serve another pancake for junmi and they eat peacefully."jun mi-aa what should we do after school?"."emm,molla?(i dont know)"."you know,we just decide later on"."arasso".after that we bid mom goodbye and went to school using a public bus.

hyunmi pov

since we are using a public bus we were have to wait for it for about 6 minutes more maybe?,my big fella here look so over tired cause you wouldn't know,running from house to come here at the waiting bus is way to complicated.wondering why i kept calling her big fella?well that's her excatly,she was way too diffrent from our childhood life now,she was all the same as me before but now,she way too fat,not so fat but yeah,just kind of a cute fat.for me apperance is not bothering as long as she is by my side as my bestfriend.

after a while wait the bus is here.junmi look so exhausted right now.she looks like she just cant move a i help her by carrying her arm and move slowly inside the bus.

we arrive at school at the same time 7:00 o'clock.we went to our locker that was side by throwing about a pile of paper that i guess i shouldn't bring any today through my locker and picking up my first until my fourth period important stuff so that im not carrying a lots of school burden.same as jun mi she's still look exhauseted as always,i feel really sory for her,but doing some running stuff will help her to lose her weight atleast.

as we walk we saw a thing we always wanted to get but i think we cant.itd our big crush im jaebum,but people call him JB instead.he is the kingka here,popular and handsome is all him.a girl like us cant even have a chance to talk or even blink an eye on him cause you will be dead meat if you ever do it,the queenka will be the ultimate best nightmare for you.

well being honest we are just a nerd who crushing on a guy who were popular by all beautiful girl at the school.we are not that beautiful you know.

JB went to his locker that was also a real close to ours,we just back then stand there while stare at him hoping that miracle happend after this.JB notive us instead and look at us with a questioning look.

"whats wrong?"he ask as the two of us panickly back to reality."uh-mm we were just uhmm taking some book at my locker".he chuckled while closing his locker and lean his back on it."but i see you're have enough book your carrying with"ok now its emberassing me.junmi look at me and said give an we-should-just-go look,i then nod and we turn to other direction to avoid eye contact with him."bye,sweetheart"we heard he said that with his sexy toned.


we were now at the garden sitting on the ground.we kindly feel sort of happy inside cause he just tlaking to us,maybe? or because he refering the 'sweetheart' things to one of us?."hey,to who you think he's refering to?"."what?,the 'sweetheart' things? i dont know"."i just 100% thought it was refering to you,i dont know cause i think its impossible for me,you know i am fat,so i wouldnt get any chance either,but you-you did have a look and i know you do have a chance for that"."dont say sort of things anymore arraso? just forget about JB things and let just think that the both of us have a real good life in the future....

author note

guys this is my new please give me a comment if its good so far.

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