25. Nyx.

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"I can't believe they bought that," I mutter, opening my eyes after the room went silent.

"Maybe I should go into drama and theatre."

"That might be a tad bit difficult, given how you look."

Props to me for not screaming out loud because that would have surely alerted everyone else that I was awake.

"Who... was that?" I ask, scanning the room.

I would've bet my entire BTS collection that they would have placed me in some kind of cell, but the room looked pretty normal. As normal as it would be with the giant bed I was on.

"Over here pretty face."

I turn to where the sound was coming from only to be assaulted by the bright light spilling from the window.

"Woah! That is bright! Is it day already? How long was I knocked out?"

"Three days," comes the voice again.

"OK, I give up, where are you? Wait, what! Three days?"

I feel a small weight settle on my feet and fighting the urge to yeet whatever it was as I slowly turn towards it.

"I'm still buzzed, aren't I?" I ask no one in particular not believing what was in front of me.

"No, not really, I made you sleep longer, their potion only lasted until you made it here."

"Oh! Wow! You can talk?" I ask scanning the emerald creature that was a cross between a dragon and a bird only severely downsized.

"You are not that smart, are you?"

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"That's what I would like to know too, I was sunbathing at home before I got a strong urge to get to Lucidia, imagine my surprise when I see your backside hanging out for the whole world from some shoulder. I figured it was a kidnapping and followed to see what was happening, I'm sure glad I did."

"Sorry, but before I unpack all of that can't you like use your mouth? Hearing you with your mouth closed is throwing me off."

"This better?" it asks the words no longer in my head.

"Scratch that, that is way weirder, speaking in my head it is."

The dragon-bird tilts its head studying me and I take the opportunity to do the same.

With beautiful emerald and almost turquoise scales and feathered wings in the same hues, it was a breath-taking creature even with being queer.

"Do you have a name?"

"I am Nyx Evernight of Dragan, and you are Mahina Dracon of Earth and Faery."

Not even going to touch on how the hell he knew me, it seemed to be everyone's M.O since I'd arrived in this stupid realm.

"Well, Nyx of Dragan any idea of how we can leave this place? You must be more than a pretty creature," I say with a smirk.

Nyx pulls what I assume is an offended face and if it was even possible, he appeared to be looking down at me, "I will have you know, little girl, I was a familiar and best friend to the most powerful being in the realm."

"Where is he now?"

At this point, his face falls and I feel a little guilty but my curiosity wouldn't let me leave it alone.

"I don't know, I failed in my most important job and became an outcast even in my home."

"Well, I'm sorry Nyx, that must have been hard, now about getting out of here."

"Right, well I have an idea but you are not going to like it."

"Get on with it."

"We are going to wait until we see what they are up to. Fucking light mages."

"Light mages? I think I know why I'm here."

Nyx goes to answer when he turns his head sharply towards the door and then promptly disappears.

"Act natural," he whispers from somewhere above me.

"What? Why?"

"Stop looking at me, stupid, that is a sure way to alert them, they are coming."

Properly chastised I turn my head towards the door just as it swings open.

"Well, look who's awake."

"Ryder? What the fuck man?"

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