Chapter Seven

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I just realised that something went wrong and the full chapter didn't post but here it is in full. I'm so sorry!

Elle’s p.o.v

One thing I had always found particular to Mel’s house was her design choices: the rooms were almost entirely white. It seemed as though they had been drained of colour, leaving a few key items separate from the bleak design. I sat on the sofa, indigo in colour, and wondered how one would willingly choose white décor. It wouldn’t be long before Jack and Mel returned from the market and I basked in the time I had to myself. I desperately wished for a place of my own, hoping to not have to intrude on anyone’s homes and privacy for much longer and dreamt up how I thought my home would be designed. So much could have changed in two years and I had no idea what anything would look like. Did I keep the precious items collected over the years, perhaps my university room furniture was still the design I had, what kind of place was I living in? All these questions flew through my mind as my hosts walked through the door, completely oblivious to my presence. Bags dumped by the door, keys thrown onto the entrance table amongst a strewn of outerwear, my housemates made their way down the hall to their bedroom, slamming the door behind them. I listened to their departing and sighed, standing up to put the groceries away. I decided to make myself productive and save the trouble of having spoiling food left untouched on the entrance floor. As I started to put the food neatly into the fridge, I reached back and turned up the stereo to a wildly inappropriate level, letting the sound of the radio drown out the sounds coming from the bedroom on the other side of the wall. One thing I was quick to learn is that Jack and Mel had a lot of sex. 

Niall’s p.o.v

The duvet slipped from my back as I moved to plant a kiss on Hannah’s forehead. Her small hands gripped mine and I continued my rhythm inside her, slow but deep.  Her face contorted in pleasure as her breath ragged and her chest heaved which urged me forward. I smiled as beads of sweat moistened my forehead. Mornings were definitely one of my favorite times.

Our actions were cut off by the sharp ringing of my cell phone. “You didn’t turn it off,” Hannah harped as I reached over to the bedside table to grab the black device, unlocking it and pressing it to my ear. It was a bad idea to answer the phone in this time but I was expecting a call from Harry and I knew brushing it off was not the answer.

“Hello. Harry call back later, I’m a little bu-,” my words came out with a sharp intake of my breath as Hannah bucked her hips from under me, grinning at how my sentence was cut short. I was taken aback slightly when the voice on the other end was not the one expected.

“Niall, it’s not Harry. It’s Elle. You need to get me home. Today.”

I sighed and pulled myself away from my girlfriend, using my fingers to finish the job I hadn’t completed. I pressed my other index to my lips, indicating her to be quiet as I continued to listen to Elle’s story. Her voice was strained on the line from having the yell over the sound of a stereo. I had picked up that she had tried calling Harry who didn’t answer. She had also explained that stereo was turned up loud because she didn’t want to intercept the sounds coming from her roommates’ bedroom.

“Okay, okay, give me an hour. I’ll get you the keys.” I rubbed my forehead, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder. I felt Hannah’s body quiver under me as I continued to multi-task. I watched as a small moan escaped her lips before my fingers pressed gently to them to keep her quiet.

“Okay bye now.” I rushed, hopping to get back to business. I wasn’t that I didn’t care about Elle, on the contrary, she was one of my closest friends and had set Hannah and me up. I felt little empathy towards her cause when I had the pain of blue balls starting to develop. 

“Niall, you better shower before you even think of leaving your house. Bye, now. See you at one.” I heard the smirk and slight disgust in Elle’s voice before she hung up, leaving Hannah and me to being just us once again. I put the phone back down, chuckling at how aware Elle was of what I was doing from across the line. In the past, I had unintentionally found her and Harry a scarring amount of times doing god-knows-what in place I would never have thought of. They had probably the worst track record when it came to interruptions, one which was apparently continuing to hold true. Meer hours before,  I had been stuck having to deal with Harry storming through the door horny and having been caught with his pants undone and unable to get a half-naked Elle off. It seemed arbitrary at the time, but I finally understood him after the phone call I had disconnected. I looked down at my beautiful girlfriend, severely close to climaxing and I realized how awful it would be to be interrupted all the time.

“C’mon, I’m finishing you off in the shower. We have and hour.” I grinned into our kiss and pulled Hannah up and to the bathroom.

Elle’s p.o.v

I felt the car come to a stop before the distinct sound of the engine turned off and we were left in silence. Although I could not see, I knew we were parked in front of my residence. Niall had the idea of blindfolding me for the journey and I had allowed him to cover my eyes for the surprise. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flutter as I the car door open beside me and Niall took my hand to help me out of his Range Rover.

"Are you ready to see your place?" He spoke, teasingly pulling on my ponytail. I nodded eagerly and waited for the makeshift blindfold to be removed from my eyes. The material fell away to reveal the property I had so greatly anticipated. 

A brown townhouse stood before me, the white columns and framing fresh in comparison to the dark colour of the brick. A white metal fence enclosed the small front yard and a stone path led up to stairs. Large windows, intricate detailing in the framing and a royal blue door added charm to the corner lot. It was everything I could ever want.

"You can't be serious! This is mine?"

"All two stories of it," A bright grin appeared on Niall's face as he nodded. I opened my hands and received the cling of a set of keys. 

"Thank you," I whispered before running to the door. 

The smell of pine and cookies hit my nose as I stepped through the door and onto the floor of the tiled entrance. As I made my way into the living room, admiring the details which my home was composed of, I noticed rows of large scented candles placed out on the mantel of the fireplace, giving the house the fresh smell I greatly enjoyed. The light projected a romantic glow through the room and down the hall, shadows dancing on the surrounding walls.

"This is beautiful, Niall." 

I turned back quickly with large smile on my face, but Niall wasn't behind me as expected. Propped up against the doorframe was a bright eyed man, arms crossed and a watching me carefully.

"You did this?" I breathed in shock. The response was a simple nod, a slow smile spreading across his features. I was rendered speechless by his actions, pleasantly surprised by the detail he had put in to making my homecoming so sweet. 

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