Chapter Nine

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Here we go! Hope you enjoy! please let me know what you think of the story so far! i really would love to know! 

Liam’s p.o.v

I poured the batter in to the pan and took a whiff of the scent in the kitchen. The aroma of pancakes filled the room, a comforting way to start the morning. I sighed loudly as I flipped the golden circle and watched it sizzle on the hot surface. My head was a little fuzzy and my stomach in a turn; however, I had had a night much better than planned. I would have been content to just make up with Elle, to fix the damage done to our friendship, but with the events which occurred, I was more than pleased. The last pancake slipped onto the plate just in time for my favorite girl to walk into the kitchen. 

"Hmm hi," she yawned, stretching her arms up. I smirked, getting a peek of the skin of her hip and stomach. A pair of joggers and one of my t-shirts hung loosely on her frame and her brown curls were an unruly mess; she looked so hot standing in front of me. 

"Why am I so sore? I can't remember anything," she whined, massaging her shoulder. I could tell how hung-over she was by the paleness of her skin and the dark circles under her eyes. I was not shocked, more disappointed by her lack of memory, a tequila induced amnesia. It wouldn't be the first time this happened and certainly not the last.

"Well your sofa isn't the most comfortable thing on this Earth. We couldn't find the key to your bedroom," I lied. Her furniture was extremely comfortable, it was what we did that would have left her sore.

Her mouth formed a small ‘o’ as she plopped down onto of the elevated chairs. "I see. Well what happened then?" she asked rubbing her head.

"What do you remember?" I asked casually, hoping to get an idea of how much she could recall. 

"Drinking, and arguing, I remember that too." she sighed and looked up at me through her lashes. Her hair flopped in front of her face, a shield protecting her expression from my sight. 

"We made up. You got me tipsy and we watched movies. After I gave you a tour of your house."  I felt guilty with-holding information from her, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to tell her the full truth. The plate in my hand was set down in front of her with the syrup and fruit, both of which she generously covered the top of her pancakes with. Curiosity got the best of me as I sauntered around the counter so I was positioned behind her. I placed my palms on Elle's shoulders, massaging the tense muscles and knots from them. I made my way down her back, hoping to incite a reaction from my touch. Not a shiver, nor a sound in response. I moved my hands subtlety to the sides of her torso to her ribcage, a sensitive spot of her anatomy, but once again, she did not respond to my touch in any gratifying manner. Why wasn't this working! My hands pressed into her waist and she took a sharp breath, cringing away from me. 

"Sore?" I asked knowing fully well she would be. The grip I had on her the night before was anything but gentle and I wouldn't have been surprised if she was left with a slight bruise. 

"Yes, don't touch there."

I turned my attention to a new strategy, hoping to be more effective in my tactics. Starting from her shoulders, I ran my hands down her arms while kissing the top of her head. It was a cute and innocent gesture from the outside and I was sure to get a positive reaction from her. 

"What are you doing?" Her words came out in the wrong tone, almost a hiss.

"I can't make you feel better now?" I asked, avoiding her question. 

"Yah, but this is odd. You're not like this usually," I felt her squirm out from under me and stand up. Luckily, she didn't see my face flush from embarrassment when she walked to put her plate and glass in the sink with the other sud-covered dishes. I heard her sigh as she looked out the small window in front of her and back to me. Her green eyes connected with my brown ones before she sighed once again. Perhaps it was my imagination, but her body appeared to be moving in slow motion as she turned and placed her hands on her hips. Her expression changed as she spoke, "Liam, why are you acting like this? What really happened last night?" 


I groaned loudly, sinking down in front of the tele, a massive bowl of chips and popcorn in my arms. I shoveled in a handful before sitting up to wash down the salty taste with my beer. The front door opened as I flipped through channels and I was greeted by an on slot of friendly intruders.

"Don't you ever knock?" I grunted out, adding another handful through my lips. 

"Nawh," Maz grinned, setting down another beer case on the table before removing his jacket. 

"Heard someone caught themselves a bird, and a pretty one too." I watched Andy grinned. My cheeks burned as he started making feminine sex noises and I avoided looking in his direction. 

"Oh Liam, you're so big! I want your big cock inside my pussy!" Andy squealed in a high-pitched voice, clutching onto Maz's arm.

"Oh yah, babe. I'll fuck you real hard," Maz added in, dropping his voice to a lower tone while thrusting the air. The two of them dissolved into a fit of hysterical laughter, continuing to fool around. I frowned and turned to ignore them, focusing my attention back to the screen. The giggles calmed as I tried my best to ignore my friend’s antics. 

"Awh shit, what's wrong?" The sofa dipped on either side of me. 

"She doesn't remember," I murmured, holding my head in my hands. "She drank too much and couldn't remember this morning."

The room fell silent as I explained how it had all happened.

 "Sorry to hear that, mate. But Elle does have a bad record when it comes to drinking and general slutiness. Did you tell her, at least?" Andy asked. I shook my head as I dug the heels of my hands in my eyes to stop them from leaking tears. How could I possibly explain what had happened without sounding like a scumbag who took advantage of his best friend? The night wasn't anything close to that though and I was still so frustrated at myself. All the time I had spent trying to win her over like with class had turned into a sloppy hookup. It was sleazy and wrong, and in the end had turned out to be for nothing. Worst of all, I couldn’t even tell her what really happened. 

"Cheer up, mate. It's not as bad as it seems," Andy tried to reassure me, patting my back. 

"She passed out a couple of minutes after she came," I sulked, balling my fists in anger. 

"Loads of girls do, sober ones too!" Maz spoke up. They were both trying very hard to make me feel better and I was grateful for their kindness.

"Thanks for that," I smile quirking the ends of my lips upward. They both nodded in silent reply, understanding exactly what I meant. 

We turned our attention back to the screen, life resuming its regular course. Minutes passed as we watched the football game, munching at the snacks and drinking beer. The only sounds were ones from the tele until Maz spoke up, almost awkwardly.

"So, Liam. Was the sex at least good?"

I shoved him playfully, feeling my cheeks flush as I nodded, laughing. My friends always knew how to cheer me up.

hope you liked! and that my helle shippers aren't too heartbroken! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINKKKK :) oh and share this story too :) I love writing for you guys xxx


@imagineourhigh on twitter x

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