Chapter Eleven

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eleven chapters! wow, it's been real fun to write! hope you enjoy, thanks for sticking around. love you guys! 

please share my story and your comments if you enjoy! thanks, it wouldn't be the same without you. xx

Elle's p.o.v

I watched the light dance on the hard wood floor and cream walls as it shone through the lacy curtains shielding the windows, taking my time to observe the décor of my bedroom from the comfort between the sheets. The design was exquisite: cream and navy linen and upholstery with light caramel floors. The classic design fit the space better than I could have dreamt up from my guest room I had to stay in when I was unable to find the key to my regular bedroom. My thoughts drifted from my room to the previous night. It had been perfect, much better than I expected. I felt a slight blush creep up on my cheeks as I thought about how events turned after being dragged away from my party by Harry. My skin still tingled where his fiery hands had touched and his lips had trailed. I rolled over and frowned, disappointed by the empty space next to me. The navy duvet had been pushed aside and the sheets and pillow rumpled; all indications that I had not just been conjuring the night up from the depth of my imagination. I had asked him to stay and he agreed, but I didn’t think him the kind to sneak out of bed in the early morning hours and run away from what he thought to be mistakes. I desperately hoped I was not a mistake, wished that this was not just going to be some guy saying anything that would get him in bed with a girl, even just to sleep. I was glad I didn't let him take advantage of me, sparing some of my dignity. 

Judging it the appropriate time to do so, I sat up nimbly and stretched my arms up lazily; suddenly very aware of my nudity. I reached down worriedly and fiddled with the knickers I wore, relieved to have kept them on overnight. My toes touched the floorboards as I slipped out of bed and to find something to cover my bare chest. On the floor was a familiar t-shirt and as I picked it up, I couldn’t help but smile at the Ramones logo. I slipped on the soft material over my head, the hem of the shirt falling just above mid-thigh. It smelled like him, the musky citrus scent I could bury myself in comfortably. My attention was diverted to the bag resting next to the lounger as I bit my lip to keep myself from grinning like a fool. It was proof he had kept his word to not leave and it was all I needed to know. It took a few moments to straighten myself out, head in a daze, before I made my way downstairs, fueled by the aroma from the kitchen.

His back was turned as he stood over the stove, clearly preparing what was to be a delicious breakfast designed for hang-overs. I couldn’t help but smile at how unexpected he could be, a complete surprise. I took a moment to drink in the view I had of his toned back, shirtless, with a pair of gray joggers slung low on his hips. His hair was messy and he was bare footed. He was undone and appealing. I sauntered over, wrapping my arms around his torso as I sponged my lips to the tanned skin of his exposed back, enjoying the warmth of his skin.

“We’re not alone in the house,” he stated matter-of-factly, still enveloped by my arms. I felt him hum as I continued to kiss him, completely unfazed by his blunt remark. My palms smoothed downward as I nipped at him softly. “Well good morning then,” he laughed as he swivelled around to face me.

“Good morning, Harry.” His lips were soft against mine, his finger under my chin and his other hand on my lower back. My chest was flush with his and I stood on the ball of my foot to be able to properly reach him, my other foot popped like in movie kisses. Harry was not overtly taller than me, but for him to be able to remain in the same position, I still hand to stretch up. He was comfortably tall, just enough for me to be able to wear my heels and not look outsized by him or taller. Our perfect morning kiss broke so he could manipulate the eggs  and bacon in the pan, flipping them to finish off their cooking. I took the opportunity to hoist myself up so I sat on the worktop to watch him.

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