XL ; Beg

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- Even though the new plan didn't work out, I hope you had a great day.

Hyunjin smiles rather tenderly at Minho as he takes his hand in his to plant a soft kiss on it.

He spent part of the rest of the day thinking of a way to activate his power, but he's still clueless.

- Yes, it was really fun! On the other hand, I could've done without that jump you made me do in the storage room.

Minho rolls his eyes as Hyunjin laughs lightly.

- By the way, you mentioned a new experiment... What was it?

«Perhaps you'll have the solution yourself to activate your power...?» he thinks, scanning the illuminated gaze of the little one.

- Mmh... Do you remember the day we were in Central Park and I told you about a dream that you and I could fulfill in the bedroom?

Hyunjin blinks, obviously remembering the whimsical moment. Being a little bit dirty minded, he begins to smile crookedly, approaching slightly the brunette by answering him in a voice a little more suave.

- Of course I remember. It intrigues me by the way, tell me quickly what it is about.

He brings his hand to his thigh to caress it gently and the brunette comes a little closer too to give the taller boy a highly amused smile.

- ...A pillow fight.

Completely outraged but mostly confused, Hyunjin blinks his eyes and before he could open his mouth, he takes a somewhat violent cushion hit in the face.

- I've always dreamed of doing this.

Hyunjin remains silent for long seconds. Minho then stares at him without understanding his lack of words.

- Oh just you wait, lil' vermin.

The older one arms himself with the cushion that was on his side of the couch and he gives a blow a little more violent than the one he received right on Minho's cheek.

Minho giggles after taking the hit and then jumps off the couch to run into their hotel room.

- You'll never get me! I'm invincible and too beautiful for you!

- You little...

The taller one gets "upset" and stops himself from laughing to show himself imposing as he starts running after the fugitive.

- Lee Minho, I know your address and I know you always sleep with cat plushies, you can't escape me! Neither to me, nor to your fate!

The two boys go around in circles passing through the living room, the bedroom and the library. They redo the same path several times before finding each other at one end of the bed.

The swarthy then trades his cushion for one of the pillows on the bed, smiling victoriously.

- Admit defeat or I will go after you without showing any mercy!

- I'd rather die!

Minho also exchanges his weapon for a softer one and goes around the bed to attack his opponent.

This one dodges and climbs on the bed. He takes his old cushion and throws it on the brunette's head.

- Hey!!

He hastens to mimic the movements of the taller boy and therefore climbs onto the bed to throw his old cushion at him.

Hyunjin dodges it again.

- Well.

The two give each other several hits without hurting each other and there comes a time when the swarthy sees an opportunity to trap the smaller, knowing that he will inevitably fall into the trap.

- Minho! Your fly is open!!

- What!?

Taken aback, he looks down at his pants and Hyunjin uses that moment of inattention to push Minho down onto the bed, his back meeting the mattress.

He lowers himself above the smallest and sits on his pelvis to prevent him from escaping.

- Have a taste of this!

He then hits him consecutively with the pillow until Minho breaks down laughing and pleads for his torture to stop.

- Hyun'! Stop!

As requested, he stops his actions and throws the pillow a little further, but he takes the older boy's wrists in his hands to pin them against the mattress, on each side of his head. He lowers a little more and smiles at his prisoner.

- You should be a little more convincing in your pleas. Maybe then I'll want to set you free...

The trapped boy's face quickly turns red as he tries to break free from the taller's grip.

- You can always dream if you think I'm going to start begging.

His respondent raises an eyebrow, visibly amused and convinced otherwise.

- Oh yeah, really?

He exerts more pressure on the wrists of the smaller, resulting in an almost inaudible complaint coming from him.



More cliché than that, you die. But what can I say, we live for cliché. 😌🤝

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now