XLI ; Maybe, Just Maybe We Could

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- Alright, alright, you won...

- That's not exactly what I wanted to hear.

He brings his face closer to the one below him, smiling amusedly at him.

The little one can feel the swarthy's breath on his lips. He keeps eye contact until he gives up and does what the taller one wanted him to do.

- Let me go, I'm begging you.

A wave of heat takes hold of Hyunjin's body and he feels his cheeks heat up.

An impulse takes him and he comes to put his lips for the second time on those of the brunette.

They then exchange a slower kiss than the first and more sensual too. One of Minho's legs bends as it rises a little and he stops wanting to break free from the taller's grip, his wrists remaining in the other's hands.

Butterflies are born in their being and the urge to prolong the kiss is felt, but Hyunjin is the one who ends it to regain his air this time.

The two boys never take their eyes off each other, panting slightly.

And that's when Minho lets his voice rise in the air.

- If time hadn't already stopped, then I would like it to stop right now...

Hyunjin stares at him without saying anything, flattered by his words. He lets himself be coaxed by the lightness of the moment, forgetting this idea of ​​finding a solution to the mentioned problem for a moment. His eyes scan the older boy's face. His perfect features and lips that taste fresh strawberries and vanilla will never cease to amaze him. He wants and will always want more.

- You're perfect Min...

They smile tenderly at each other and eventually let fatigue get the better of them, Hyunjin releasing the older boy's wrists to drop down to his side and wrap his arms around him to hug him tightly.

They had had a long day after all. Long but enjoyable.


The next day, Hyunjin and Minho wake up almost at the same time, noticing that they left the lights on.

They each get up at their own pace and go about their usual morning routine.

Minho is brushing his teeth in front of the foggy bathroom mirror. Hyunjin took a shower and came out of the bathroom to get his own toothbrush.

When he returns to the bathroom with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist and his hair soaked, he wraps his arms around the older boy's waist to wet his toothbrush and put on some toothpaste on it. He lays his head on his shoulder as well, his bare chest meeting the fabric of Minho's top.

He whispers against his neck as he runs his toothbrush under running water.

- I hope you slept well, princess.

The little one's ears and cheeks quickly turn pink and he blinks. Hyunjin separates from him slowly to let him spit out what he has in his mouth and let him talk at the same time, while he brushes his teeth too.

- Y-Yes, I slept well. I'm starting to get used to your presence. It actually calms me down.

Hyunjin smiles as he continues his action.

«It should be illegal to be this cute.»

Once the two finish brushing their teeth, Hyunjin finally responds to the older one by stroking his still wet hair as well. Minho went in the shower a little before Hyunjin.

- You're adorable.

Minho can't stop his smile from growing.

The two boys come out of the bathroom. Minho takes the taller boy's toothbrush and puts it away with his own while Hyunjin finds new clothes.

- Oh, Hyun', I think I have an idea of ​​what we could do today. There's this place that I wanted to visit and that I had seen on a website. It seems that the place is breathtaking, especially during sunsets.

He smiles, looking down at his open bag on the bed and continues in an almost dreamy tone.

- Of course, the view is also pretty at night but, I would love to go and....... Hyun'?

Hyunjin stares at his clothes and he doesn't answer. He seems to be lost in his thoughts.

- Hyunjin? Are you listening to me?

- I think I know how to solve the problem once and for all.

Minho's smile gradually evaporates as he raises an eyebrow, closing his bag with a slow gesture. He doesn't believe it. Not even for a second.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now