Each new person is a chance to dramatically reconstruct reality! Who will you be to them? How will you express that rich interiority, friend? I believe it will come out as an extension of the story you've been telling all your life. But there are those rare instances where one suspends that story and in that pause, anything is possible. Everything is permissible! Where once an education major stood, a theatre kid is born! Maybe you are recently engaged or have seen the light leave your priest's eyes. You can, at any time, be anyone. Life is a project and we're all equal co-authors. It's nothing as rosy and lovely as it ought to be however. We live in grave times. Grave times don't announce themselves with a bang or a whisper, they slowly seep into all the corners of everyday. In every secret whisper a revolution! *gasp* I think the best thing ever is when a silly thing happens. Why so serious? Why so serious indeed, Bruce? Because you must be. And what happens when the mask is lifted, when a serious pulse finds its silly end? I met a friend yesterday and talked with another at the same time.
I remember the latter's friend in part and I hope I can be forgiven for I did not try to embellish:
One thousand thirty six days. Bright lights, still nights, a man alone with his thoughts. His only reprieve was the monotony of each day, the sameness which fastened each day to another. Sleep is a hope. Sleep is a dream. Rest denied— nay, deferred. People are owed! Back to our person. To deprive someone of social mobility in the truest sense of that world, a choice in the structures governing his life. One isn't at full reasoning when sleep has been deprived of them. And it is altogether unfair to know that the man concerned in this description works twelve hours days. Convenience stores. Never nice on the worker. (I say never as a narrative device, I imagine one can find something to the contrary.) Two people running a 24 hour gas station in that 4 year span. For money that's enough for mere survival, mere subsistence, permanent precocity, organized abandonment etc. People need help so goes the rallying cry of every agreement between gals.