Episode 12 (Finale): It All Blows Up

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Ruby: What did she do to you Bubble?!

But Bubble was struggling to even speak...she was in a lot of pain...

Ruby: Bubble! Speak to me!

Flower: Ruby I think we should take her to the hospital!

Ruby: But what about the challenge?!

Flower: Forget the challenge! She's clearly not gonna survive if we don't take her there!

Ruby: O-Okay...I guess you have a point...

Flower: Now come on! We have to go right now!

So the two of them Grabbed Bubble and used Ruby's Van to take her to the hospital.
Maple was sitting alone in the dark after everything that happened to her. She was in a lot of pain crying...however at least it was better than being tortured. Even though she is young, she was still trying to think of a way out of this hell hole she was currently trapped in. She was trying to think of anything her kid mind can think of but...nothing...just then...Leafy opens the door.

Leafy: Hello Maple, did you miss me? =)

Maple: No! I want my parents!

Leafy: Well that's just too bad isn't it? Cause you're probably never gonna see them again. Now where were we?

Maple: Why you doing this to me? I did not do anything...

Leafy: Well Didn't do anything...but you can blame your parents for what is happening to you...

Maple: What you mean? ;/

Leafy: Well...let's just say your parents made me very mad...and I have to punish you to punish them...

Maple: But that unfair...

Leafy: Life isn't fair! Get used to it!

Maple: I hate you...

Leafy: And I hate you too you brat!

Leafy then slapped her hard across the face and Maple started to cry a bit...

Maple: I want to go home! ;/

Leafy: Oh honey I don't think you realize...this IS your home now!
Coiny: Hey Pin. I know only one of us can win this challenge but do you maybe wanna work together?

Pin: Wait seriously? You want to work together?

Coiny: Sure why not? We're friends still right? Even after everything?

Pin: Well yeah I guess that's true...so yeah sure let's work together.

Coiny: Alright well let's work together.

???: Not on my watch!

Pin: huh what was that-

Suddenly Pin was hit on the side of a head by a bat by Needle!

Pin: Oww! Needle what the fuck?!

Needle: You knew everything Pin! You deserve this and so much more!

Suddenly Pin Stomped on her foot hard

Needle: Oww! Son of a bitch!

Coiny: Ladies Ladies, knock it off! What's with all the fighting?!

Needle: You SERIOUSLY don't remember what happened back in episode 2?

Pin: Yeah Coiny! She attacked us remember?

Coiny: Oh yeah I guess I kinda forgot that...But look point is that's all in the past right?

Needle: No! Cause she stole you from me!

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