Episode 5a: Arm-less

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Adam: "Last time on Dream Island Plus. Team Epic was up for elimination again and it was kind of suspenseful. It was down to Flower and Ruby with Flower being safe with one vote and Ruby was eliminated with 2. Woody was struggling to think of a good challenge, and while he was doing that, Leafy and Bubble Nearly killed Teardrop! Woody, to say the least was not happy and declared the challenge was to find out who did this to Teardrop and whoever did this to TD would face automatic elimination and the winning team would get a reward. Bubble and Leafy were successfully able to convince everyone that it was Pencil who did the horrible crime, which resulted in Pencil's elimination. Team Epic won the challenge and as a reward, they get a new member on the team, chosen by the readers, now it is time to see who will join the game. And that is what you missed on Dream Island Plus."

*intro plays*

Everyone was sitting around just chilling, Some where playing video games, others where watching YouTube, and some where just thinking about winning, when all of a sudden Woody came back. 

Firey: "Hey Woody welcome back."

Leafy: "Yeah Leafy how was it?"

Woody just stood there with a blank expression on. He did not know what to say. Flower then asked an important question.

Flower: "Hey Woody are we going to do Cake at Stake yet? And BTW where is TD?"

Woody snapped out of it and began to speak.

Woody: "Sorry about that. We are about to do Cake at Stake, but First today TD gets out of the MRC and I want you guys to come with me."

He sounded a bit sad, and the others didn't know what to think of it, but they decided to go along with it. They were going to take the van over there. So before we get there, lets see what everyone is up to.


Leafy and Bubble where chatting about what they should do next when an Idea struck Leafy.

Bubble: "So Loiafy what couple should we broike up next?"

Leafy: "How about Coiny, and Pin?"

Bubble: "But why them?"

Leafy: "Well I mean they are the most vulnerable at the moment."

Bubble: "Well oi mean that makes sense, but whoit can we do?"

Leafy: "Well maybe we can make it look like Coiny was cheating on her. And I think I know who we can use to make Coiny "cheat" on her."

Bubble: "Who should we use?"

Leafy: "Me!"

Bubble: "Thoit sound good. But how are we going to pull it oiff?"

Leafy: "Well her is the plan."

And she told her the plan, but you guys don't get to hear it :b.

Bubble: "Wow Loiafy that is the perfect plan."

Leafy: "More then that Bubble. This is the greatest plaaaaaaaaan!"

Bubble: "So when should we start"

Leafy: "We should start before the challenge."

Bubble: "Sounds good."

And with that, the plan was set in stone.

Let's skip to when they get to the MRC.


Woody and the rest of the gang were at the MRC and were going into TD room.

Woody: "Alright guys, stay right here, I want to talk to her in private for a few minutes."

They just stood quiet. They knew something was wrong, they just didn't know what it was.

Woody walked into the room to talk to her. Yesterday he got a call from them and he was told that because of the injuries, they would have to amputate one of her arms. Both were obviously upset by this but they had to accept it. There was nothing they could do. When he went in, TD was siting up and she looked like she was in a lot of pain

Woody: "Hey Teardrop I heard today was your last day here. I missed you!"

Teardrop said nothing. She was just sitting there, looking at were her arm once was.

Woody: "I am sorry this happened to you. This is all my fault. I should have known that something like this could have happened."

Woody then started to cry. He really did believe that this was all this fault. The TD said in a weak voice.

TD: "W-woody t-this wasn't your fault. You didn't know that this would happen, no one could have. You didn't do anything wrong.

Woody stopped crying for a bit and hugged Teardrop. Teardrop then spoke up again.

TD: "Woody I love you and I know you would have never done this. You are the best piece of wood a drop of water could ask for."

Woody: "Thanks TD that means a lot to me, I just never wanted this to happen in the first place. You are my everything TD, if I could I would take all pain for you. I will make sure that this will never happen again. You can count on that. Is it ok if I let the others in?

She nodded. Woody went to get everyone, however when he was looking for them, he heard lost of shouting and he decided to investigate. When he got there, he saw Pin Chocking out Coiny while the others were trying their damn best to pull her off of him, however Pin was too quick for them and keep choking him out. Woody stepped in and was able to drag Coiny away from her while the others where finally able to hold her down. Woody then spoke up.

Woody: "Okay can someone please explain to me what the hell happened?!"

Leafy: "Woody let me explain what happened. You see...."

Leafy was 'crying' and waiting for Coiny to come around. Coiny eventually did and he walked up to her and asked her what was wrong. The conversation went like this. 

Coiny: "Leafy what's wrong you looked depressed?"

Leafy: "I don't know if I should tell you."

Coiny: "C'mon you can tell me anything."

Leafy: "Well it's just that Pin was being so mean to me."

Coiny looked at her with great surprise. He didn't know Pin was mean to Leafy. Or so he thought.

Coiny: "Well maybe pin is still mad about what you said a few days ago. Lets be honest it was kinda messed up."

Leafy: "I mean you could be right but that doesn't explain what she says about you."

Coiny: "Wait what?!"

Now Coiny was really confused. He didn't know that Pin said stuff behind his back. Or so he thought.

Coiny: Well what does she say about me?

Leafy: Well she says that she regrets being your GF, that she doesn't love you and that you are a total joke.

Coiny was very upset. He didn't know that Pin was 'saying these things behind his back'.

Coiny: Wow you think you know an object. Well than what's wrong with you?

Leafy knew this was her opportunity.

Leafy: She told me not to say anything, but she beats me up daily! And I hate it so much! 

Now Coiny was in shock. She had no idea what to do, or even what to say. So he decided to do the dumbest thing that he could have done. 


Hey guys thanks for waiting for the next chapter. I'm sorry this chapter is kinda short. I just needed to get this chapter out. The hiatus is finally over and I  can get back to writing. The next chapter will be out in the next few days I promise

Thanks for reading. Jellyboi1 out.

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