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Wednesday flew busy with Titus coming in for his first shift and a hectic day. Titus was a very large man in his thirties who was serving four years for gang violence. He was hesitant to tell me about it, but he did, and I respect that. He was involved with a culinary arts program in prison, and that is where he learned how to be a chef. He has almost one month left of his sentence. We talked as we worked, and he told me about how much he loves cooking. I innocently asked if he'd like his own place someday. His response floored me more than anything but gave me motivation to make it happen. Thursday was almost identical to Wednesday, and I had spent both nights tossing and turning.

By the time noon on Friday rolled around, I was awake on two hours of sleep in as many days. I am pretty sure I counted more as a zombie right now than a human. I wanted to feel safe once more. Ares said I could go to any of them for anything. That is how sleep deprived me found myself walking into their office building. I ignored all to looks that I got walking through the lobby in a tank top and shorts. I just couldn't muster up the energy to get dressed. I leaned heavily on the elevator wall for support as it climbed upwards. I went out of the elevator to the nervous receptionist asking, "Where is Ace, Ares, or Alec?" "They are in a meeting and gave instructions not to be disturbed," she said, looking at me up and down silently scrutinizing my outfit. I just turned to the conference room door behind me. I pulled it open without a care. I was met with an irritated huff. I ignored it, going to the brother nearest to me. Alec pulled off his suit jacket when I climbed on to Ace's lap. "Up," Alec commanded. I stood up from Ace's lap and slid my arms into the sleeves of his jacket he was holding up. Once I was bundled into Alec's suit jacket, Ace pulled me on to his lap once more. As soon as Ace's arm wrapped around me, I started to fall asleep instantly.

I woke up in a bed with arms wrapped around me. I was a little confused. I peeled the arms off me and crawled out of the bed. I wondered throughout the large room I was in with Ace, looking around. I didn't know my way around outside the room, and I didn't want a repeat of last time. I got bored and went to shower in the bathroom after raiding the closet. I slipped the simple white t-shirt over my head and a pair of boxers on before heading back to the main room. Ace was still asleep, and he looked very peaceful so that I didn't really want to wake him. I made the choice to leave the room, hoping for the best. I took a left last time, so this time, I turned to the right. I made it to a set of stairs with the only option being down. I took the stairs down and came out on the main floor of the club. I shrugged my shoulders and went straight to the bar where I knew Ryan would be. 

I frowned, seeing the large crowd around the bar. I snuck behind the bar and started helping. Even though there were two other people back here, they were slow and kept messing up.  I filled the orders without a problem and was currently filling a pitcher of beer for a server when the man I just served threw his drink at my chest, soaking the white t-shirt, making it see-through. I quickly pulled my arms inside the shirt and turned it around so the front was no longer see-through, but the back was. I picked up the full pitcher of beer, smiling sweetly before dumping it over his head. Before he could even start to complain, I walked away, and by the time I came back, he was gone. I made drinks until the drink thrower came back, demanding that I be fired. I turned to look seeing the man with the manager, Gerald. Gerald was very clearly angered seeing me. I served up the drink I just made before going over to them. "He can't give you what you want. I don't actually work here. I'm sure Gerald here would be more than happy to fire me, but he can't. Gerald really should be thanking me for helping in the first place. I could always go to the owners and complain. However, you, on the other hand, can be thrown out of the club for throwing your drink at my chest and being perverted." I stated before making more drinks. 

Once the bar was caught up, I sat down on the other side, talking with Ryan. "Tomorrow is my last shift, and then I am off the next two weeks, paid. Did you have something to do with that?" Ryan questioned with suspicion. "I asked them what it would take to get that to happen. If you don't want to come on a vacation with me, that's fine. I plan on doing some of my bucket list items on vacation. I have business to attend to in Atlanta first, but I plan on taking a dance class there to make it more fun. Then, I'm going to a beach by the ocean to tackle bucket list stuff and relax. I'm flying there and have bought the tickets to a chunk of first-class seats. I'll have a couple of drivers pick me up at the Atlanta Airport. I'll be drove to the coast after a few days before flying back. I leave Monday morning. Do you want to come? I promise you aren't going to cost me anything I can't afford." I answered. "I'll go with you, but you can't pay for everything for me. What did they want for my two week paid vacation?" Ryan inquired. "Saturday. All day long Saturday. A date day," I answered honestly.

I was left alone while he attended to a customer and was approached myself by Gerald. He asked me to go to his office so we could talk. I agreed before telling Ryan that I'd be back in a few after talking with Gerald. I followed after Gerald to his office, where he held the door open for me. He asked me to take a seat as he closed the door. I sat down only to stand right back up as I heard the lock click in place. It was like a switch flipped as the polite man from the bar area was completely gone. This, right here, was an angry man who was fuming with a rage that was almost tangible to the touch. Gerald was irate as he screamed at me. He blamed me for his shortcomings that have got him almost fired. He continued screaming his frustrations at me as he approached me, finally unblocking the door.  I slowly backed towards the door as he yelled about how I was just some whore they were fascinated with. I reached behind me and unlocked the door only to be wretched forwards by him. I kneed him instinctively before ripping the door open and ran down the hall away from him. I was almost to the stairs as he grabbed ahold of me once more. Gerald was screaming at me once more and shaking me roughly in his rage. On a particular hard shake he lost his grip on me causing me to fall down the stairs hitting the door at the bottom so hard the resounding thud was the last thing I heard as darkness encroached on my vision.

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