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I was let in immediately like every night, but there was no line tonight. I thought it was odd, but I didn't really care as long as I could dance. The club was not nearly as packed as the past few nights, but I didn't care as I made my way to the dance floor that was teaming in pastel and jewel colors tonight. I found myself a group of six girls and started dancing with them. I could feel a lot of eyes lingering on me as I danced before the girls had to start going boy crazy. I sighed before going to the bar, seeing Ryan once more. "Hi Ryan," I said, sitting in front of him. His eyes went wide at seeing me. "What you doing here tonight? Club's closed to non-members tonight." Ryan said. "I'm just here to dance, and the bouncer at the door let me in without telling me that. So I guess now I'll be a party crasher, and I'll cross it off my bucket list while I can." I said with a smile and a shrug of my shoulders. "Do you have any juice that needs opened tonight?" I asked with a sheepish grin. "I can open a bottle of apple juice," he said with a shake of his head. He washed a sippy cup before giving it to me full. I sat talking about favorite Disney movies with him as I finished the sippy cup of juice before going back to the dance floor.

I danced alone this time, not finding a group to dance with as I was in the center of the dance floor. I danced along to a sultry song, feeling the number of eyes on me grow, and the intensity of the stares kicked up a few notches as my hands caressed their way up my body and through my hair. The song ended as I gave off a laugh going back to the bar. "Damn girly, you are making men and women drool for you. What other moves have you been hiding?" Ryan said as I sat down in front of him. I just rolled my eyes with a laugh, saying, "You'll have to find someone who won't get handsy with me before you see all of them." The seats on either side of me were claimed as I drank a bottle of water, and Ryan was busy. "I haven't seen you here before," one of the men said as the other tried to touch my hair. I quickly moved off my seat and backed away from them. "Come back slut and we can have some fun," said the one who tried touching my hair. I backed into a huge figure and an arm wrapped itself around my midsection as I saw Ace and Ares step in front of me. The guy behind me picked me up slightly before carrying me away from that spot a little ways before I was turned to face him.

He was a giant at seven feet tall with a powerful build with his toned and taut muscles bulging everywhere possible. "Dari, right?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. "I'm Alec. We met very briefly at the office before you took off with a bloody nose. I apologize if I startled you that day." He said to me. "Startled isn't the right word. You were angry. I don't like being in the room with angry people." I explained. "That's understandable. What are you doing here tonight?" He asked. "I'm just here to dance," I answered simply before asking, "Can I go dance again?" "Go ahead Dari," Alec said before I went back to the dance floor.

Once more I could feel the eyes on me heavily but I ignored it as I swayed my body with the music. I danced throughout a dozen or so songs before I was making my way to the bar when one of my favorite songs came on as I was on the edge of the dance floor. It was another sultry song as I caressed my body, twirled, swiveled my hips, and did a booty dip. I finished dancing throwing my head back with a laugh before going to the bar where Ace, Alec, and Ares were. I grabbed the empty stool in front of where Ryan was standing on the opposite side of the bar. "Ryan please tell me you need to open a new cranberry juice?" I said with my bottom lip jutted out. "I'll open one just for you," Ryan offered before washing a sippy cup and handing me the filled cup. I put money down before picking up the cup and drinking it.

The music suddenly stopped and an announcement that said "The pet show would begin in a few minutes. Following that will be the little speed dating." I know my eyes grew a bit larger than normal upon hearing that. I finished my sippy cup before passing it back to Ryan. "I'm going to go get some food now," I stated before leaving the club. I made it five feet out the door before I had not one but three shadows. "Dari will you let us walk you wherever you are going?" Ace asked. I nodded my head yes but walked silently. I walked to my apartment building before finally breaking the silence saying, "This is me. Thanks for walking me home." I went inside before they could say anything and headed up to my apartment. I decided to nap some before I'd start the rest of the day over again when it was daylight out.

I showered when I woke up before donning a simple white t-shirt style dress with my sneakers. I walked the streets of the city stopping at the church that was three blocks from my apartment. I am not a religious person but occasionally I will go to church and that's what I decided to do today. I believe in God but I don't like the sermons at churches all the time. Yet, I like that churches give back to the community. So occasionally I find myself in random churches listening to the sermons before I put a large donation into the collection plate. I know most people my age would not be able to afford to do as such but my bank accounts are each sizable as my mom gave each of us an obscene amount of money when we turned eighteen with mine three times the size of my brothers because I am the only one who went across the country. I could honestly sit on my butt in my own home and do nothing for my entire life. However, I don't have any desire to be sheltered away from life. I like working and appearing to be normal. I have yet to make any true friends here, except Claire, as everyone else in college was scared off by the bodyguards following us but I don't mind being alone. It is what I'm used too so it doesn't bother me.

After I left the church I walked the three blocks to central park. I walk through the park for a while before I headed to the center park zoo. I enjoyed myself as I looked at the animals. The elephant was my favorite animal they had there. I just wondered the streets of New York after that. I was heading for the nearest subway station when I was passing through some of the more sketchy parts of the city before I heard grunts of pain coming from an alleyway as well as the sound of flesh being hit. I was not stupid enough to go investigate what was happening but I heard someone's voice very clearly threatening him before I was walking out of hearing distance. I boarded the subway and went home to bed.

I woke up at two in the morning to take a shower and get ready for the day. I put on another baby doll with sleeves that had little mustard yellow flowers on it and my sneakers. I walked to the bakery and locked the door once I was inside. I made a simple special for today of cinnamon swirl bread and I prepackaged some single servings of cream cheese icing, caramel sauce, and fruit. I unlocked the door for Paris to come in before moving the last of the food to the display case. We were much busier this week than last as I had to have Theo and Marie come down to help. I was in the back making more food before lunchtime even came close to happening. I didn't get back out front until almost four in the afternoon. "Oh! Darion sweetie one of the strapping young men from across the street asked for you to make three coffees for him and three things to eat with them. He said you pick the best combinations and asked if it could be delivered whenever is convenient for us. He left a hundred dollars and said to pick anything you wanted and to keep the change for a tip," Marie informed me. I bit my tongue knowing getting upset with her won't help and just set to work. I had finished packing everything to go before Marie tried to grab the bags. "I'll take it Nonna. Then I'm going home for the night." I stated pulling the hundred out from the register.

I made my way across the street and to the top floor. I stopped at the receptionist there and asked where Ace or Ares was. The receptionist glanced to the door across from the desk before saying they were in a meeting. I rolled my eyes before transferring the drink carrier to the other hand. I turned and entered the door behind me that she glanced at not caring if I'm interrupting them. After all, they said at my convenience not theirs. I walked into the room setting the coffee and food down on the table in front of the pair of them. "That's the last time it will be delivered I am not doing this again." I stated before placing the money in front of them before continuing, "My shop doesn't accept large bills so stop trying to pay with them. Also I have a no tips policy that is incentivized monetarily, which my waitstaff are more than happy to comply with. I'm not sure who you think you are but entitlement does not work to get what you want with me. Do this again you won't see your coffee, food, or money as each will be given to the shelter that night. If you are too rushed to have patience and wait, you don't need to come. The nervous receptionist out there would come simply as a part of her job like the last rude one who I denied to serve. Understood." I stated with all my irritation. I turned to leave facing the rest of the room for the first time apologizing for the interruption before going home to sleep exhausted from the day.

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