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Friday was busy as Mrs. Lane took Knox first thing in the morning. I had her set up the empty apartment for Knox and his family. Later under the tree they will find a temporary rental agreement for three months with rent set to $2,000 and a key to the apartment wrapped an addressed to him and his wife if the huge pile of gifts that are mostly for his daughter. I'm not entirely sure what all was bought but I gave Mrs. Lane a lot to spend. The kitchen was fully stocked with the ingredients for sugar cookies and frosting left on the island. Mrs. Lane had fun shopping and preparing everything. I'm very greatful she agreed to be the superintendent and does all she does for my building. I worked throughout the day keeping busy before going home for the night.

Saturday I slept in until 8am before I showered and got dressed in sweatpants and a sweater. I put on the earrings and necklace the guys gave me for our date, as well. I grabbed my garment bag and small suitcase with an extra set of clothes and my heels for the night. I was picked up by Pops and Nonna at 11am and we went to the airport boarding the plane for the six hour trip to Seattle. I was given a room at the ball to get ready so I spent my time getting ready in there away from all the commotion of everything else. I put on sparkling silver eyeshadow with a thick line of black eyeliner and mascara. I pair that with a dusty rose lip stain for the night. I put on my backless silver rhinestone covered dress with a thigh split before doing my hair. I kept it simple leaving my natural curls pulling the top half of my hair back leaving only a few tendrils of curls framing my face. My shoes were the last thing I put on slipping into the black platform heels with an ankle strap.

With one final deep breath I headed to the ballrooms now deserted main entrance. The guards opened the doors and I stepped into the ballroom for the first time. I stopped at the railing as the noise stopped as I gained all the attention dressed in shining silver quite literally making me the lightest and brightest dressed person here. The color scheme for the rest was darker jewel colors for the women and the typical black, navy, and gray suits for the men. I slowly decended the staircase feeling eyes on me the entire time. I was looked at with sheer curiosity by some, others were more angry glares that they didn't know who I was. I wondered throughout the ball. I smiled as I saw all my brothers in their element for the first time. I was busy watching from afar not paying attention for just a half second causing me to walk straight into someone.

I was not prepared as I heard, "Insolent girl," as my face was smacked hard enough for me to be thrown to the floor. I heard several shocked gasps as things went deadly silent as I saw a hand enter my vision. Before I could deny the assistance I heard, "Let me help you up, Flower." My head snapped up to his as I muttered,  "Ares," while accepting his hand. Once I was on my feet again Ares placed a kiss to my injured cheek making me feel cherished once more. "I'm okay," I said as he pulled away. I looked back at the man who hit me as he was a little pale as Ace and Alec glared down at the man. "Ace, Alec," I said gaining their attention. Upon seeing me their eyes softened. "Just leave the jerk it'll be taken care of. Trust me," I whispered. I could see the tense guards around the room. One rule I knew for these balls was no physical violence. They both stepped away from the man and towards me. I felt my heart beat just a little faster. "Walk with me?" I asked and started to walk away before they fell in step with me leaving shocked murmurs behind us.

They followed me out the doors to the garden before I turned to them. "I know you have questions. I just want to say this first. I am not apart of any mafia, mob, gang, ring, or syndicate. My family has always kept me out of that part of their life. I am only here tonight to see who inherits the mafia from them. I've been dead to this world since I was six. However, if the choice to be with you involves this I will step into the life I was taken away from. Jett confirmed to me you were in the mafia on Thursday when he tried to scare and intimidate me away from you. He failed horribly. It's too late for me to walk away from you all." I stated. "And why is that, poppet?" Alec questioned tilting my chin up making eye contact with me. "I've fallen in love with all of you," I answered truthfully. "And us you," Alec responded sealing my lips with his stealing my breath with a kiss followed by each of his brothers.

We went back inside just in time for my parents all to be of the stage area. My mom was talking saying how it has been a wonderful experience but it was time for them to step down. I was unprepared when she announced me as their chosen heir. I saw the confusion on the faces around the room at the mention of their daughter my guys included. I quietly murmured "No," before I ran from the ball room. I couldn't and I wouldn't take the reins of the familia. I would not leave New York City to move back to Seattle. I just told them I loved them and now my mom wants me to run the mafia that she kept me from entirely almost my entire life. No. I collected my things from the room I used to get ready.

I walked back down to the entrance of the ballroom. I set the bag down next to the guard before pushing the French doors open. The thud stopped the talking throughout the room and drew all the attention to me. "I refuse to rule the Familia you kept me separated from, mother. The quads are far better suited to rule the mafia. As well as the twins better suited to run father's business. Me, however, my future is not for you to decide. I made a life away from this place and I'm not leaving it. I have built my own businesses and wealth across the country where I will stay. Have a wonderful night but I'm going home." I stated turning and walking away from a life I've never wanted and towards the one I built for myself with my three men following behind me.

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