the pretty girl on his tv(not mine) 2012

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"Harry! Good to see you again!" Demi choruses, wrapping Harry in a overwhelming hug. He is nearly knocked down to the ground, but catches himself last second. Harry never knew Demi was such a cuddler. And so strong. Demi finally releases Harry (With reluctance, Harry notes), But is still grinning up at him proudly. He smiles back at her, his eye brows raised high. "Yeah, yeah. Hi." Demi can sense his awkwardness. "Sorry about that. How's Niall?"


Harry nearly laughs out loud, but manages to hold it in. Seems like she's still got a little crush on Niall. And Harry knows for a fact that Niall still feels the same. Shame they haven't started dating yet. "He's doing good. I think he misses you sometimes."

Demi's pink cheeks match her most recent hair color, the blonde with the pink tips. "Would you tell him i said hi then?" Harry nods. The conversation moves to another topic before Demi is told she needs to go to the table and Harry needs to head to his seat. They both do, bidding their goodbyes and promises to meet afterwards for dinner.

Harry's seat is a few rows behind the front row, in between a middle aged man and a guy who looks about his age. He finds out that the kid his age is named Mark, and that his twin sister, Madison, is auditioning today. And the man is Raymond, who just came because his daughter had tickets, but got sick last minute. They both know who he is, Raymond even gets a picture for his daughter. Mark says that Madison will freak out when she finds out that Harry Stylessaw her audition live.

Harry occasionally waves at a few fans who notice him, or gets a picture with the few who dare to leave their seats to come chat.

Harry thinks that everyone should have gone through, even the bad people. He tells this to Mark, who just laughs at him. He's too nice sometimes.

Mark nearly has a heart attack when a girl nearly as tall as Harry, with long, wavy read hair walks onto stage with her guitar. Harry guesses this is Madison. She announces herself as Madison Speckin, pronounced Speh-keen. She works at a daycare, only earning minimum wage. She sings a nice rendition of Love Somebody, by Maroon 5. Her voice isn't spectacular, but it could be amazing with a good amount of vocal training she could be really good. He doesn't tell mark, worried he might break the poor kids' heart.

She gets three out of four yeses, making Mark yell in agony at L.A, but she walks off happily that she got in at all.

The next is a girl again, and Harry is the one to nearly has a heart attack this time. Raymond and Mark both look at him quizzically, but he just leans forward, cupping his hands under his chin, watching this girl intently.

She has long, dark drown hair, that falls down her shoulders elegantly. He can't see her eyes but he bets their beautiful.

"Hi, what's your name?" Demi asks, smiling at the girl.

"I'm Camila," She says excitedly, but nervously.

"What do you do when your not singing?" L.A. asks.

"I'd like to say something interesting, But all i do is sing karaoke and watch One Direction videos," She says. Harry laughs, realizing that that was the first time he was mentioned so far.

She sings Respect, and Harry must say- she has a strangely unique voice. Strangely good. He had goose bumps her whole performance. She earns four yeses, making him stand up and whoop, along with a few others. A few people stare at him questioningly, but he doesn't mind, grinning to himself .


The next time he sees her, he's laying on his bed in the New York Hotel room.

He's flipping through the channels on the ginormous tv screen, when he hears singing, and goes back a few channels and settles on the X-Factor. It's bootcamp this time, so Harry rests his head on his arms, reaches over, and grabs a handful of sweets from home that he brought. he bites into one when he nearly spits it out when he sees a familiar face flash for a few moments on his screen. "Oooh," She sings in her strange, angelic voice. "And you can tell everybody-" The clip is cut short, making Harry moan in frustration. He hopes she moves on. He'd love to meet her if they happen to perform, and he knows they probably will.

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