Love on Top

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Camila stood there at the six floor of the stair way annoyed, hand on the hip and tapping her feet. She was waiting for Harry to hurry up so she can show him the surprise on top of the building. And the top of the floor was at least 12 more floors

"Camila" she heard making her walk up to the railing and putting her hand onto it to look down to see Harry walking up the six floor looking tired making her sigh

"Harry come on I wanna show you" Camila said making Harry breath in deeply when he finally reach the top of the six floor

"Why'd you run up here and leave me, you know I had to chase you right" Harry said panting

"So who said you had to run after me"Camila said crossing her arms

"Well what am I suppose to do not chase you. I will seem to be a bad boyfriend" He said frowning

"Well you're not so thank you" Camila said giving Harry a peck on the lips making him grin

"But we need a move on so move your tight jeaned up legs up those stairs, God how does your thingy breath" Camila said tugging him up the stairs

"God, why couldn't we take the elevator" Harry whine

"Wheres the adventure in that" Camila said holding Harry's arm and walking up the stairs

"The elevator music, you know it's quite amusing to listen to" Harry said making Camila giggle

"As much as I love you we need to hurry, the surprise isn't gonna last long" Camila said dragging Harry up the steps faster

"Wait what, what's the surprise" Harry ask trying to keep up with Camila. He had no idea where all this hurrying and athletic Camila came from.

"It's a surprise, now stop complaining and let's hurry I really want to show you" Camila said looking at the sign to see they're at the 14th floor. Just two more

"We're almost there" Camila said just then after a minute they were there

Camila walked up to the steel door and push it only for it not to open. She pushed again but it didn't budge

"Here let me" Harry said stepping up to it and easily open the door making him smirk at her

"Well then I see you've been lifting weights I see" Camila said impress by her boyfriend and checking out his biceps

"Why thank you" Harry said as the two walked into the top roof where it was freezing

"Damn I didn't think it was this cold" Camila said rubbing her arms

Harry turn to her and took off his jacket and wrapped it around her

"Here, to keep you warm" Harry smiled down at her making her smile back

"Thanks" Camila said

"Oh there, there's the perfect spot" Camila said dragging Harry to a spot in front of the sun

"Sundown" Camila said making Harry nod

"Is this what you wanted to show me" Harry ask making Camila smile at him

"Yeah, I know in the books and movies the romantic couples look out waiting at night for the sun to rise but I wanted us to be different to watch the sun go down" Camila said looking at the sun

"Well this is more beautiful I think" Harry said wrapping his arm around Camila making Camila hold onto one arm of his that was in front of her chest

"Thank you, I also thought that too" Camila said grinning

Harry and Camila both together watch the sun go down and stood there for a solid 10 minutes until Harry decided to speak up

"You know what this reminds me" Harry said

"What" Camila ask turning her head to look at him

"Reminds me of that song by Beyonce, Love on Top. Get it Love on Top. We're on the roof an-" Harry said

"Yeah I get it" Camila chuckle and the two continued to glaze into the dark but full of stars night

"Harry" Camila said

"Yeah" Harry said

"Will you love me forever" Camila ask nervously making Harry laugh

"Why are you laughing this is a serious question" Camila said frowning making Harry laugh stop

"I promise I will forever love you, if" Harry paused

"If what" Camila ask

"If you will forever love me too" He said

"Well forever is a long time" Camila joked

"Camila" Harry said softly

"I promise I will love you if you will love me back" Camila said turning her head giving Harry a short but passionate kiss that lasted 10 seconds

The two pulled back and continued to watch the stars together and holding onto each other

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