The Accident

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Shadow POV
Man I really feel sorry for what I did to Knuckles. I mean I shouldn't have hit him or said those mean things but what do you expect from one of egg man's creation. Sighing to myself I decided to go say sorry even if it's in the middle of the night.

(Time skip brought to you by sleeping knuckles)

When I made it there I heard people talking so I stayed hidden while sneaking in the house.After I made it and saw knuckles in sonic's room cuddling him I couldn't help but get mad and jealous because he looked so cute and I should be in that spot not sonics. I did the first thing I could think of which was to knock him out, tie him up and lock him up some where he can't get out.

Sonic POV
I woke up tied up and not where I thought I was going to be. It's very dark in here and I could barely see anything but out of the corner of my eye I see these red stripes that I saw in the room when I was with knuckles. Then out of nowhere Shadow stepped out of the shadows and came into the light so I can see him and he was just chuckling very darkly." What are you doing and let me go you bastard!" I yelled knowing he wouldn't listen."hahaha you think I'm going to listen to some twerk like you trying to steal what belongs to me"he said what a smirk on his face. "Well if he belong to why was he crying in the hallway last night when he came inside huh" I asked trying to get him pissed off. Which way to my advantage but here's a tricky part, can I get the keys and get out of here before he goes and locks the door because when shadow gets mad he throws a tantrum right there basically like a toddler because its a way to relieve anger.But if you distract him enough maybe I could just get the keys got to think of an idea though. Aha I got it, I thought.
"Too bad he doesn't like you anymore Shadow and he wants to be all mine and he never wants to see you again either, not after what you did" I said with a smirk on my face. After he realized what I said he hit me and then started Wailing on the floor like a baby. After I got him distracted I slowly crept my foot over there and snatched the keys off his ring and then I hit him behind my back. After his little tantrum he got up and he stormed up real shutting the gate and locking it.

Knuckles POV
I woke up feeling fresh and calm but I didn't feel nobody beside me. So I totally got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to see if anybody was there Sonic wasn't there either I checked everywhere in the house he must have went out I thought as I sat down on the chair waiting for everybody else to get up. When everybody else get up I asked everybody have they seen Sonic they all said no except for Amy she had an attitude with me for some reason but I. I went out to the town to look for him. After I can find him for a while I started to panic cuz I didn't know where he was and he could be in any danger bring back to their house as fast as I could to tell everybody and as soon as I got in the kitchen I kind of seen sticks and Amy making out on the countertop. So I just walked out of the house and went to look for Sonic's one more time before I burst back in the door and yell he's not anywhere. I'm happy that she got her girl the one she's been wanting for years now.

Tails POV
After we eat breakfast Knuckles went out to the town and Amy and tell stayed kitchen so I went to my laboratory to work on some stuff when I got there I was working for about 5 hours and then I started thinking about my crush that I have. But I can't tell nobody cuz they're going to go tell her and I want to tell her myself I don't want to be a coward like some people but not telling names here so I went back in the kitchen cuz I was starting to get hungry only to see Amy and sticks making out on the countertop I grabbed a snack at school it's quietly as I could and went right back to my laboratory.

Sticks POV

Breakfast everybody went to do what they was doing I mean Amy said in the kitchen I started a little conversation with her which ended very soon because she was very mad that Sonic's like Knuckles instead of her so I suggested that we bake the cake so it could get her mind off of them too. She agreed and halfway through US baking the cake I asked her a question." Amy would you ever go out with me if Sonic and Knuckles got together." I said feeling confident in her answer she just looked at me like I was crazy before she thought about it. After a little bit of thinking she finally said"yeah I'll go out with you, why you like me or something?" She asks what you got me all fluster I started to stutter until she just kissed me. After she broke the kids she said "I like you too it's just so hard to see my childhood crush with somebody else."I know how you feel I said as I thought about my old high school crush she was real nice and real sweet until she committed suicide. I never really realized her pain every time she smiled she had a pain face is because of all the junk that's been going on back home with her dad. But I will always remember her name Sophia. My thoughts is interrupted by Amy kissing me again she didn't stop there she kept kissing all over my face and then started to go down to my neck. After a couple of kisses she found my sweet spot. I moaned as quietly as I could and then she stopped looking with a surprise face!"did you just moan she said"the little embarrassed." Y-yeah"I said trying to calm down my fear. Then out of the blue she started fangirling saying how happy she was that I was her first kiss and that she made me moan. You got me real flushing but I was okay. After a little make out session we started back on the cake which was a little burnt when we took it out the oven but I still put taste pretty good. Then Knuckles burst it through the door yelling that he couldn't find Sonic's which got everybody on alert.

Hey guys hope you like this long chapter and I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger. Love you guys 💟💟

Will sonic escape, will you find out tais crush, will Amy and sticks start dating? We'll find out next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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