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9 years old - Kakashi

Kakashi glared at Obito and cursed his luck. Why did he have to be put on a team with such a loser? Had he somehow made the Hokage angry at him or something? Obito glared back and Kakashi looked away, folding his arms over his chest in a huff.

"Where's our third teammate?" He asked his sensei, Minato Namikaze.

Kakashi was beyond happy to have Minato Namikaze as his sensei. The man was was already a legend, and he was only eighteen. Kakashi secretly idolised him.

"Running late, obviously," Obito sneered.

The implication he was calling Kakashi an idiot was clear in his voice.

"Like you can talk, loser," Kakashi snapped back. "You were twenty minutes late!"

"I was helping someone, unlike you! You don't lift a finger for anyone but yourself."

"Both of you stop fighting," Minato said, his voice firm.

Kakashi huffed and looked away from Obito and at Minato-sensei expectantly.

"I was warned this might happen. So just be patient," Minato said like it explained everything. "While we wait, why don't we take this chance to get to know one another?"

"No, thank you," Kakashi responded. "I don't want to get to know him more than I already do."

Obito blustered.

"What's your problem, Bakashi? You're such an ass."

Thankfully, their third teammate arrived and spared Kakashi from arguing any further discussion with Obito. But when Kakashi caught sight of her, he froze. She sprinted up to them, panting and apologetic.

"I'm so sorry! I was held up at the hospital."


Obito was shocked but pleased. Sakura took a deep, steadying breath and smiled.

"Hey, Obito," she said warmly.

"Hey!" Obito said with excitement. "I wasn't expecting you to be on my team! Man, this is so much better than Kakashi."

Sakura's face seemed to redden slightly, but that was probably from the exertion of her run. Kakashi slowly unfroze. He hadn't seen her at all in the year since that day of her party, where he'd been so embarrassed at not getting her a gift and for some other reason he didn't understand that he'd had to leave immediately.

"Hi Kakashi," she said quietly to him.

Kakashi just nodded, wondering with a little disappointment why she hadn't greeted him with the same enthusiasm she had greeted Obito with.

"It seems like the three of you know each other," Minato said.

"Yep! We were classmates," Obito grinned.

When he caught Kakashi's gaze, he glared again.

"It's nice to see you again, Sakura," Minato-sensei smiled at her.

Kakashi could see that she actually blushed when she looked at Minato, and that didn't sit well with him. His lips pursed under his mask.

"Nice to see you again too, Minato-sensei," Sakura smiled back, and Kakashi's frown deepened.

"How do you know Sakura?" Obito asked.

Kakashi wanted to know that as well. He looked at Minato-sensei.

"I've been treated by her at the hospital before," Minato said, patting the top of Sakura's head. "She's a medic."

Obito flushed red with embarrassment and chuckle.

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