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16 years old - Kakashi


Sakura slurred as she leaned heavily against him, while he attempted to get her home without her falling face-first into the ground.

"Yes, Sakura?" Kakashi sighed tiredly.

"I'm go-gonna be strong," she mumbled.

Kakashi frowned.

"Sakura, you are strong."

She sniffed and then hiccuped.

"Strong like you," she said.

He glanced down at her, wondering what she meant when she was far, far stronger than he would ever be, and saw that her brow was furrowed.

"You - you, Kakashi, you're the best."

"As nice as that is, Sakura, I really don't understand what you're talking about," Kakashi replied.

Drunkenly irritated, Sakura pushed herself off him, standing unsteadily on her feet and frowned, pointing a waving finger at him. Kakashi looked at her with his eyebrow's raised, ready to catch her when she inevitably fell over

"No, no, no, Kakashi Hata-Hatatake - " Kakashi smiled beneath his mask, concerned at how cute he was finding her in that moment of mispronunciation. " - You're the dream, goal dream-goal. I have to - to be better, 'cos you're the dream-goal."

She seemed very certain she was making sense, but he really didn't understand a word she said.

"The dream-goal?"

She nodded.

"Always dream," she sighed. "I wrote your name on a book."

Kakashi lunged forwards and swept an arm under her legs and around her shoulders, and Sakura fought his hold half-heartedly.

"You smell nice," she mumbled.

"You're very drunk," he replied dryly.

"Nope, not."

Kakashi chuckled.

"Okay, Sakura, whatever you say."

He looked down at her as she leaned her head into his chest.

"So you wrote my name on a book?"

She tiredly shook her head.

"Paper, in book."

"Ah." He still didn't quite understand. "So what makes me your dream-goal then?" He asked curiously.

Sakura drunk and honest and open was a rare, rare thing. He could only hope she didn't remember this in the morning.

"Strong." She rose her finger. "Here." She poked his chest and then raised it to his head. "And here." She poked his temple with a little smile. "You move like a riv-river. Flowy and pretty and sexy."

Kakashi paused slightly.


She hummed.

"I like your face, but you're an idiot."

"I feel like I'm getting mixed signals," Kakashi muttered.

He walked up the stairs to her apartment and stood at the door for a moment, unsure of what to do. If he let her go, he was afraid she'd fall over, but if he didn't he wouldn't be able to reach the key. He slowly lowered her to the ground, seating her against the door, and deftly brushed some hair back from her face and behind an ear. He was pleased to see the little smile on her face at the movement, even though her eyes were closed and she was all but sleeping.

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