Chapter 3

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As she walked through Mysterium it seemed to be very ecstatic, more than it usually was.

It was not quite so loud, but she would not describe the place as quiet.

Sophie's uncle-in-law, Kesler, ran a small store he called "Slurps and Burps" because, and she quotes, "he loved nothing more than to make all the stuffy nobles squirm inside his shop."

But his apothecary is actually famously used around the Lost Cities for having a lot more stuff that you would use on an everyday basis than any other store. Everyone buys from him. And why wouldn't they? He sells a lot more than one would think.

As Sophie walked into the store, she wore her ears almost died from the extremely loud shouts emitting from the back.

"Dexter Alvin Dizznee!! You will apologize to her once she gets here!"


"No! This is your responsibility! You made this mess, you clean it up! Do not drag your cousin in here to help you!" 

Sophie realized now it was her aunt making all the noise, not the triplets, as she had thought.

"Juline, please dear, calm down," Kesler said quietly.

"NO! I will not have my sister's daughter clean this up!"

As she neared the back of the store, she found Juline shivering in anger, actually shivering, causing actual snow to fall from the ceiling. Kesler was holding her back from killing her son with her Froster wrath. The triplets sat silent (for once in their lives) afraid to have their mother's fury (or flurry rather) turned over to them.

"Aunt Juline?" Sophie whispered.

As Juline whipped around to the sound her features faltered, and faded.

"Oh! Sophie, hello dear! H-how long have you been standing there?" She smiled nervously.

Sophie contemplated on lying to her, but she couldn't do that to her aunt. 

"Long enough to hear that Dex has to do this, whatever this is, himself," she laughed.


"I'm perfectly okay with helping him. I don't have any plans for today."

"What about shopping with Biana?" asked Dex.

"We've already done that," she explained, "besides I wouldn't miss Keefe acting like a doofus for the world."

They all laughed at that.

"Pretty sure he does that already without the help of a strange elixir," Kesler chuckled.

"True," Sophie and Dex said in unison and they burst out laughing.

"Okay, c'mon. The lab's this way," he said, waving her over in the right direction.

Cautiously watching his mother, Juline waved it off and let Sophie help her son.

Once they were away from Dex's parents, he leaned in to whisper, " I swear, my mom loves you more than she loves me. It's like she's trying to impress you like Lord Cassius."

They walked into his lab as she whispered back.

"For one, ew, your mother is not, and never will be, like Cassius. And two, I don't think so, she just doesn't want me to think she's a bad mother, or aunt."

"I mean, I guess so. She just acts like she does."

Dex closed the lab door and turned on the lights by clapping twice.

Dex had moved a small couch into his lab for Keefe to lay on, but Keefe had decided that sleeping on the floor seemed better, considering that he was sprawled out in an awkward angle.

Sound asleep.

Dex looked at her sheepishly.

"We kind of had to use a sedative to calm him down. But he wouldn't actually take the sedative, so we had to mix it into lushberry juice for him."

She sighed, shaking her head, trying to stifle a laugh when Keefe snore particularly loud.

"What did you use exactly?"

"Well that's the thing, I don't, uh, know?"


"Hey! Don't yell at me! My dad gave me something and I mixed it in!"


"What! It's not my fault! Besides if I weren't trying to help, I wouldn't have asked you to co–"

"no you can't... that... you don't jus-.........," Keefe mumbled under his breath.

Both Sophie and Dex stared at the sleeping boy (in a not creepy way, of course)

"Is he...," Dex started.

"...talking in his sleep?" Sophie finished.

Then they looked back at each other and burst out laughing.

They couldn't stop laughing until both of their bellies hurt.

"Maybe I should start recording this so I have proof that the class clown sleep talks!" Dex says laughing.

Sophie ended up giggling so much she had to clutch her stomach to keep the pain away.

"And we could have Dame Alina put up the recording with the morning announcements! You know she would do it too! She hates Keefe with a passion!"

After they stopped laughing so hard, the silence seemed endless. She looked over at him and sighed.

"No, we couldn't do that, that's more of a Keefe thing to do."

"Yeah, that's true. But it sure as hell makes for a good morning!"

"Yes, it sure would," Sophie chuckled. "So, how are we going to wake him up?"

"Uhm- I'm not exactly sure/ We could wait for the sedative to wear off, or we could go to Elwin? That could actually work. Don't you always talk to him? You could call him, have him come over and-"

"Excuse me? You're asking me to hail Elwin on the weekend?!"

"Uh, yeah? Doesn't he make house calls for you now?" He asked, laughing.

"What!? NO! I'm not that clumsy (hmm really now? Are you lying to yourself? Actually, nope, nevermind. You always are.) I may be hospital prone, but I don't do house calls with Elwin."

"Soooo, does that mean you do with another physician?" Dex asked, because he clearly had a death wish.

"Ugh! No!"

"Chill Soph! I was just kidding. Besides, it wouldn't be for you, per say, it's for Keefe!"

She rolled her eyes and sighed (I know! Yet again! Jeez this girl seems to really likes to sigh I guess!)


Yay! You've reached the end of Chapter 3! I'm in the process of writing down the plan for Chapter 4 so it could be awhile before I update again--


Oh well! I hope you like it so far! 

Enjoy, Via<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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