The Big News

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Sindbad POV~~

I was walking in the streets of sindria when I heared a little boy talking to his mother..

''Mom lady yuri is back and she was with a girl her name was miss harui''..the boy said..

"Sweetheart is it true??"the mother asked..

"Yes mom I also greeted her mom she even kissed my forehead.... She has the same beautiful smile mom.....lady yuri is very kind"..the boy tells his mom..

Yuri came back I wonder why??.I might as well go back to the palace... Sindbad thought himself .

Then sindbad walk's back to the palace ...

When he got to the palace yuri was already there talking to sharkkan and other generals there....sharkkan seems so angry about what yuri was telling.. Then he walks towards them...

"Hello yuri what are you discussing to them??"sindbad said while smiling at yuri..

"Umm....uh....its...its...about  ha...hakuryuu...." Yuri answered while looking down..

"Why what did he do??!"sindbad asked while sitting on his seat...

"Did you remember that two days ago was our anniversary??"yuri asked them..

"YES!!!!"yamraiha shouted

"Umm how do I say this?? He...he....cheated on me I saw him kissing another woman in his office..."yuri said while trying to hold back her tears...

"WHAT???!!!.."everyone in the room said and all of them was shock on what you just said...except sharkkan because you tell it first to him that's why he was so irritated....

"How could that bastard do that he promised me that he will love my sister..." Sharkkan said frustrated...

"Sharkk-nii"yuri said while the tears she was holding back started to flow....

Sharkkan look at yuri and he saw yuri crying and he walks towards her and hugs her tightly...

"Ummm.....yuri there's one more thing you had to tell them...."harui said and everyone looks at yuri..

"What is it??.."sharkkan asked

"You go ahead harui tell them"..yuri said while hugging her brother tightly..

"Yuri is 2 months pregnant and she didn't want to tell it to hakuryuu...."harui said..

Everyone in the room was shock and at the same time happy for yuri..sharkkan looks at yuri and hugs her..,.

"No one will hurt you again yuri I promise you that as long as I'm by you're side"sharkkan said softly to yuri

"Sharkk-nii!!!!"Yuri cried to her brother...

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