XLII ; People Like You Should Go To Hell

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- This ambush has to be where it all began. We have to go back, Min'. This is probably the only way to fix the problem.

Minho frowns and blinks. He shakes his head from left to right, showing a somewhat skeptical expression.

- I doubt that going there will change anything. It's a hell of a ride... Do you really want to do all the driving we did last time, but add at least thirty more minutes to it?

- Minho.

Hyunjin comes to stand in front of the smaller one and he puts his two hands on his shoulders, plunging his confident gaze into that of the brunette.

- Trust me, I'm sure of my shot this time.

He walks away a bit before rushing to the bathroom to get dressed and finish getting ready.

- B-But... Can we at least have lunch before leaving...?

- We'll pick something up along the way.

He says from the bathroom.

- Get ready, Min!

Minho sighs. His stomach makes a sound that reminds him how hungry he is as he rushes to get ready, as the taller one asked him.


- Stop here, I can't take it anymore...

Minho complains, pointing to the gas station at the side of the road a few meters away.

Hyunjin breathes in, slightly irritated, and slows down to enter the parkings of the small building.

- Make it quick.

Minho obediently nods and removes his seatbelt, hurrying inside, where he sees a man holding a gun pointed at that poor employee behind the counter.

Her expression describes a chilling fear as her hand reaches for something under the counter in front of her.

Minho blinks as he observes the scene that once unfolded here, in this small remote part of town.

He frowns as he approaches the man whose expression turns out to be frightening and remorseless.

- People like you should rot in hell.

The brunette reaches for the loaded gun and takes it out of the man's hands to take out the ammunition and put it in his pocket. He then replaces the rifle in his hands but in such a way that it is pointing at himself instead of the young girl.

He then lowers his gaze to the pockets of the man's dark jeans and can see a black rectangle sticking out a little.

He tugs on it gently to find it's a wallet with some cash in it but no cards.

- Tss. Really... A real piece of garbage.

Minho walks away from the delinquent frozen in time and walks around the counter to put the wallet in the pockets of the frightened employee.

He then smiles at her, whispering his words.

- They're probably not paying you enough anyway. I hope you'll make good use of it, unlike this rot.

He then goes to the refrigerators where pre-made meals are and takes one for himself and one for Hyunjin, as well as a bottle of water for both of them.

He comes back to the counter and pulls out some bills from his own pocket to put them on the counter in front of the girl. At the same time, he throws the ammunition into a small trash can nearby.

He approaches the man again and crouches down in front of him to untie his shoelaces and then tie them again but together to make sure he'll fall when trying to move forward.

With a bit of luck, he'll bang his head on the counter and that'll be enough to make him see stars by the time the police arrive and take him to jail.

Minho smiles proudly and quickens the pace to return to the car, where Hyunjin waits impatiently.

When he finds his place on the passenger seat, the swarthy throws him a questioning look, taking what he has in hand to help him and let him settle down.

- Took you long enough. What were you doing?

- Oh, it doesn't really matter.

He smiles to himself before taking back his meal, which is intended for him and the bottle of water at the same time.

- I hope you'll like what I brought for you.

Unable to wait any longer, the brunette bites into his sandwich and lets out a sound of exaggerated satisfaction.

He was really hungry.

Hyunjin merely raises an eyebrow. However, he can't prevent a laugh from coming out of his mouth before developing his own meal.

- A little more and you would've ate the wrapper with it...


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