Chapter 14

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I woke up with Nala barking. I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the sun light that came through the curtains. My phone was lying on the bed, right next to where i had been a few seconds ago. I took it and dialed Dani's number.
"Hi" he said. Hi?
"Why have you been avoiding my calls and texts Emily?"
"You said you were sorry" i said gulping "What are you sorry about?"
"Emm..." He whispered, i could hear he was holding back a sob.
"What did you do Dani?"
"It was Valentines day, and you know we all went out"
"Yes Dani"
"We drank a bit too much and well... It just happened really fast Emily" He was clearly crying now.
"What happened Dani?"
"I know i said i would wait till you were ready to do it, but something took over me and she was there and one thing led to another"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ONE THING LED TO ANOTHER DANI" I cried and shouted. "How could you do this to me?" I said, my voice breaking.
"I didn't know what i was doing, i was drunk"
"Yeah, okay dani, whatever" i cried, talking low and slow. I wasn't feeling that great, my chest hurt a lot, the tears wouldn't stop falling down my cheeks.
"Dani?" I cried into the phone.
"Who was it? The girl? Who was she" i tried my best to say, but the sobs made it a bit too hard to speak.
"She's in my year"
"I want a name Daniel, a fucking name!" I said not being able to hold back the cry anymore.
"What is a name going to do Ems?"
"Don't call me Ems and just tell me the fucking name Daniel"
"Amy Evans"
"That beautiful blond whore?" I said, if it didn't pain me enough that he'd done that, he'd done it with Amy Evans, the most beautiful but also the most slutty person in the world.
"Emily, i'm really sorry, it hurts me so much to hear you cry"
"Trust me Daniel" i breath "You hurt me much more" i said before hanging up.
I went under the covers and cried, Alfie and Zoe were in a meeting this morning so no one was home. I got up from my bed, it was about one, so i got up and took some chocolate from Zoe's hidden chocolate cupboard and went back into my room, i still had tears streaming down my face, it just hurt so much. As i was falling asleep i heard the front door open, that's weird, Alfie had texted me five minutes ago telling me they were half an hour away. I stood up, quite afraid in a way, who could it possibly be? Cause i knew joe was maybe coming by but at this time he was probably still asleep. I stood up very quietly and opened the door slightly and peeked through. It was Daniel! What the hell was daniel doing here.
"What are you doing here?" I shout opening the door.
"I had to see you Emily" he said walking over to me, he seemed a bit destroyed.
"Don't take another step Daniel" i say taking a step back.
"I'm sorry Emily, i really am" he said still walking closer, but i had no where to go now, i couldn't take a step back or i would be inside my room.
"How did you get in here?" I ask, drying the tears falling down my cheek.
"You told me where the spare key was" he laughed taking another step forward.
"Have you been drinking?" I ask worried. "Daniel, i'm scared"
"Don't be scared" he whispered coming closer to me, i could feel his breath on my lips.
"Please stop there" i said pushing him slightly with my hand.
He slapped my arm out of his way and pushed me against my bed.
"Daniel" i screamed and cried, pushing him off me but his grip on me was too hard.
"Shh" he whispered in my ear, kissing my neck.
"Daniel" i screamed "Stop! Please!" I tried to get rid of him but i couldn't "HELP!" "HELP!" I screamed as he took my shirt off.
I couldn't breath, i was starting to feel very anxious, and i couldn't scream any more my voice didn't come out.
"Help" i whispered trying to breath.
As Daniel was pulling my shorts down, i heard the front door.

."HELP!" I screamed with all i had left in me. Suddenly i saw Joe and Caspar from the corner of my eye. Joe ran to Daniel and pushed him on the floor punching him like if he was a punching bag. Caspar held me in his arms, i still couldn't breath, he grabbed my shirt and put it back on me.
"St... sto... Stop them" i tried to say. Suddenly Alfie and Zoe burst through the front door, Alfie ran over to joe and picked him up taking him into the living room. Caspar looked at me concerned, his eyes reflected this sadness i'd never seen in his eyes. Zoe ran over to me, looking at me and having seen Joe on Dani i think she could figure out what had happen. She sat with me, holding me as strongly as she could in her arms. Even though i was in Zoe's arms and had Caspar pressed against my left i felt insecure and unsafe. Daniel was lying down on the floor, blood covering all his face. He had been so stupid. As much as i tried i still couldn't breath and i was starting to feel very dizzy. I held onto Caspar's arm signaling him that i was going to faint. Caspar took me from Zoe's arms and carried me out of the house into the garden. Nala was outside and started barking behind him, she was bitting on Caspar's leg. She thought he was hurting me.
"Nala, stop it" Caspar said leaving me on the garden sofa's.
I started breathing strongly in and out, as Zoe had taught me. Caspar had left me alone outside, Nala was sitting on my lap, as i saw the button from my shorts undone, i fainted. The last thing i could hear was Nala barking madly.

As i opened my eyes i was still outside. Caspar was fanning me with a book.
"Ohh Emily thank god" he smiled. I tried my best to smile. I could hear Joe screaming in the background and Zoe talking on the phone, with who, i don't know. "How long have i been out?" I asked. I felt so much better even though i seemed quite lost.
"Not much" Caspar smiled helping me up into his arms. "About 10 minutes, Zoe said you'd wake up soon" I rested my head on Caspar's chest. After about 5 minutes it was getting cold so we went inside and i sat on the sofa with the blanket. Zoe was cleaning Daniel face and Alfie and Joe were inside Alfie's office, he was just screaming. As i took my last gulp of hot chocolate the door bell rang. Who was it? Zoe went to the door and opened without even looking who it was, she must of been expecting someone. As she opened the door Daniel's mum and dad came in. I cocooned into Caspar as Rebecca, Daniel mum looked over at me and then at Daniel. She was destroyed. Daniel's dad went straight to him, shaking Zoe's hand before she left into Alfie's office.
"I'm so so sorry about this Emily" Rebecca said coming over to me and hugging me tightly. It didn't feel right for her to hug me, i felt uncomfortable and i was getting anxious, i felt dirty. What was happening? I let go of her and went back into Caspar's arms. Now i did feel safe. After a few minutes Daniel left with his parents, not even looking at me. When i fell asleep on Caspar ; Joe, Alfie and Zoe were still in the office and i'm pretty sure they weren't planning to come back out in a long time.

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I'm so so so so so sos so sorry for taking soo long to upload, you really can't imagine how occupied i've been, really.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you liked it please be sure to vote so i know. Thank you for all the support and never forget to smile 😊

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