Chapter-18 Anxious

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Jimin was now back from the meeting for which he came Busan,he directly went back to hotel again. After taking a shower and a quick lunch decided to roam around here for some minutes before returning back to his not so favourite place,his company. Jimin was always a free living person who from the start adamant to live his life how actually he wants. And lucky of him having a family who support his this decision. They never forced any of their rules or wishes on their son. Infact they had even said that if he don't want to do business,there is no need of him to join his dad's company. But the boy didn't wanted to ruin his Father's hard work also he didn't have any problem entering in business field. And here he is now.

A famous,hot and handsome yet Charming CEO,who everyone admires and desire. But whom he wants,you never know.

Park Jimin is very well known for his on duty and off duty personality. From a professional,strict and hard working boss to a free living yet humble human,with a kind personality.

Girls drool over him and guys questions their sexuality because of him(☠️) that's what actually a real Park Jimin is,loves to travel.

Busan is jimin's hometown. He is accustomed to visit Busan every year as his grandpa lived here not after he passed away two years ago. Among all the family member Jimin was close to his grandpa most and getting news of him no more,impacted the boy most. But life didn't stop,loved ones lives in our heart and memory for forever.

As always life goes on!

Other side all five were at the pool area. For their surprise,there were more people than their expectations. Infact the area was decorated with lights and people were enjoying,with a glass of their favourite drink in their one hand. It was looking like there is a party going on. The evening view was beautiful.

This thing was sudden for them. The three cousins were seemed to like it, Jungkook as usual was looking around with poker face. While the poor girl feel her society anxiety build up inside.  She don't feel good surrounded by so many unknown people's. And obviously these types of events suffocates her. The girl clutched on her dress feeling nervous.

The cousins went into another direction, leaving Jungkook and y/n alone,when manager of resort approached them,more like to Jungkook for whom the man is very familiar.

"Mr Jeon! It's nice to see you here. I am surprised that you are staying here. I hope our service didn't disappointed you. By the way I am Min Joon,manager of this resort."

"Same here Mr Min! Of course not."
They both did a small handshake.
"Oh yeah! Have to come for a meeting. Also my cousin's also wants to join,so yeah."

Jungkook replied before pulling his hand from the handshake, sliding it in his pocket, maintaining neutral expressions.

"That's really appreciable! Is she your wife?"
Mr Min asked looking at the timid girl. Jungkook look at her and nodded.

"Hlo Mrs Jeon! Nice to meet you. It's my first time seeing you and I must say you are really beautiful."
There was genuine admiration in Mr Min"s eyes while saying these words.

"Thank you and nice to meet you too!"
Y/n answered timidly,with a small bow. She was glad that due to dark no one can clearly saw how flustered yet nervous she actually is,to the point that her hands were literally shaking.

"By the way today is my daughter's birthday. I am so glad you are also here to join us Mr Jeon. Today's party is for her. Mr park is also here. Do you mind coming with me?"

Jungkook didn't answered just glance towards y/n,who was surprisingly looking at him.
"Wanna come with me or stay here?"

Well it's shocked y/n that first time her husband is asking about her consent. Otherwise it always had to total opposite. She looks around with doe eyes and asked in whisper.
"W-where are others?"

"Must have left to enjoy. You staying here alone is not good. Come with me."

Jungkook stated in a soft tone, staring at her. On which y/n couldn't help but nod,as the girl don't have any other choice. Going with Jungkook is far better than standing here and dieing in anxiety. Which is increasing every second due to the stares she is receiving from people there. What would you even expect,when you are standing beside the most famous businessman Jeon Jungkook with them knowing that she is his wife?

"B-but I don't know anyone here."
Jungkook glance down at her shaking hands, before intertwining it with his. His actions not even her but also himself put into a big dilemma. There is no way he give a thought before doing this.

"Don't worry,stay beside me. I am here ok!"
His eyes were clearly showing the assurance. Which is a unexpected site for y/n. The warmth of his hand calmed down her and there is no way she would deny about not liking this.

Mr Min smile warmly at their lovely interaction. Only if he knew the reality of their relationship.
He led them the way. Jimin was already standing there with a pissed off look as a girl is sticking to him like a lizard. If he didn't have a deep respect for woman's,he might have show this annoying girl her place very well.

He sighed in relief noticing mr min returning back with two more people. The tall, muscular one is familiar to him. Who not knows the one and only Jeon Jungkook. But who is this girl with him?
He is aware about Jeon Jungkook being a married person,but never he saw who is his wife! His one eyebrow raised in questioning manner,when his eyes fall on their intertwined  hands.

"Mr park,I hope I didn't took too much time."
Jimin shakes his head with a forced smile. He probably doesn't wanna create a scene.

"Actually I get to know Mr Jeon is also here. So I thought why lost this golden chance. I am sure you both are familiar with each other. Excuse me for a minute!"
The man left the four alone.

"Of Course! Hlo Mr Jeon,it's nice to see you again."
Jimin greeted offering hand. He knows Jungkook through his father. He had met him,when his father used to handle their company. They have signed many contracts. But after Jimin become a CEO,they personally never met, except when park family throw a party,where Mr park announced his son the next CEO of their company. Not as friends but they respect each other. 

"It's been so long! How are you doing?"Jungkook questioned with a small smile,which is very rare to appear.
"Perfectly fine! What about you?"
"Same here."

Before any of them could proceed the talk further. Lia,Mr Min's daughter interrupted.

"Jeon Jungkook the famous businessman,in my party. It's an honor for me."

She said with a wide grin, eyeing him top to bottom intensely. Jungkook mentally chuckles,being well aware about her evil intentions. How fast she changes,like few minutes before she was not rolling over Park.

"Just a mere coincidence. By the way a very happy birthday."

"It becomes more special seeing you here."
Jimin rolled eyes at her not so obvious flirting. He chuck down the wine in one go before passing the empty glass to waiter's tray.

"Who is she? Your friend?"
Lia asked eyeing y/n who starts to feel uncomfortable,by the weird look the girl is passing her.

Jungkook smirked and put his hand on y/n's waist pulling her closer to himself.
Lia's mouth hang open hearing his next words.

"Let me introduce her! Meet my wife...Jeon y/n"

Hehehe here is the chapter 💜
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