Boston QZ - Chapter One

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I walked up an almost fully recked building trying to be as quiet as possible, to be fair basically all of the buildings in the QZ were recked beyond repair as the fucking useless government refused to try and rebuild anything. The real reason for this is the plain fact that it doesn't matter to them. FEDRA live in bloody luxury while we slave our asses off so that they can live a 'perfect happy life.'

I keep on silently walking up some very rusted stairs, holding my gun close and slightly raised when I hear talking.

Fireflies, I assume, but I can't really see them yet. fuck is their entire group pointless. they started out well; and it's not like i can really talk on this topic. but now they're just a bunch of self righteous assholes who blow up checkpoints and fight for stuff they ain't never gonna get.

I realised I was kinda lost in my thoughts when I was snapped out of them by nearly walking straight past a corner and into a corridor which probably would of revealed myself. I hide behind that same corner and I spot Marlene, unable to help the anger boiling up within me, my throat going dry with bitterness. The stupid leader of the fireflies and one of her 'followers' trying to drag her up, also including a shit tonne of dead bodies on the floor, but none who i recognise.

Another thing about me is how i have a strong inability to keep my mouth shut.

And it's certainly ended up with me being punished for it by FEDRA or other people. And then it always ends the same, me not being able to keep my mouth shut and giving them some back chat then them getting angry and they try to hurt me. Yeah they do to be fair to them, you know let's give the assy government some credit where it's deserved, they can punch. But then I just escape every god time so I don't know why they still try. They are just too self obsessed I guess.

I decide to to watch and analyse the situation for a minute before I reveal that I am here so I just stand there watching, being careful not to be seen.

Just In front of me I see two people hiding behind a corner just like me. An older man walks down the hall way slowly with his gun ready as he walks towards Marlene and whoever the other person is. He looks, well... not very friendly to say the least. But I have to admit he is attractive.

Suddenly a door opens to the right of the man and a girl comes running out with a knife. But the man thinks quickly and throws her against the wall. I just stand there shocked with my mouth slightly open as I certainly was not expecting any of that. But I still wait for the right opportunity to reveal that I am here.

And then there's just a mess of everyone pointing their guns at each other. Two directed and the man and the woman he's with and then the man's at the little girl.

"Joel?" Marlene says. "Marlene?" I assume from that very short conversation that Joel said that. What kind of name is Joel anyways?

The girl tries to lunge for her knife but Joel, I guess if that's even his name, stops her. "Ellie" I hear Marlene mutter, so Joel and Ellie got it. I make a mental list of all the names in my brain and continue to watch quietly.

They start talking about a car battery for some reason or something like that anyways, I'm not particularly interested in their boring conversations. I make sure my backpack is all zipped up before I go in and I feel like this is my chance to have the upper hand and confront them.

Word count- 671 words
Date finished- 15/4/23
Date updated- 16/6/24

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