Boston Outskirts - Chapter Ten

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I quickly help Ellie up from where she has fallen and keep my pistol raised to the room that looks empty, for now anyways.

"Fucking idiot." I whisper with a shocked tone to Tess but she just glares at me with a 'wasn't exactly my fault' look.

We are interrupted by clicker noises coming from the other room.

I instinctively step in front of the three with my gun raised, praying it's just one or two.

I see Ellie's confused face and panicky breathing as Tess and Joel exchange anxious glances.

I decide to take matters into my own hands and walk forwards quietly to where the noise is coming from.

Joel suddenly grabs my hand and tries to pull me back but I shake it off and walk forwards anyways, not even bothering to look at him.

In retrospect, this isn't exactly my finest idea, or even the safest but oh well. It's not like I exactly have anything to loose.

I see Joel, Ellie and Tess hide behind a cabinet as I quietly try to sneak around it, but to little luck.

I see Joel and Tess trying to keep Ellie quiet but I can sense her instinct to run and scream.

I duck behind a cabinet when it gets slightly closer to me, but after a moment it stumbles away.

It turns to face the other three and I hold my breath in anticipation, my gun aimed at its head from behind in case it gets any closer to them.

I would of just shot the shit out of it by now if I knew how many there actually were. I would not exactly like to have 50 clickers swarming after us.

Suddenly Ellie takes a panicky, and also very loud breath and multiple clickers run towards them.

That bloody kid is going to be the death of us.

Joel manage to barely push one off of himself and Tess misses multiple shots at another one.

God their aim is terrible...

I shoot one of them in the head and another one comes towards me but luckily I manage to fend it off.

Loud crashes and bangs fill my senses around me as I see everyone running around me.

Panic starts to creep up inside me but I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a moment then open them back up, instantly feeling better and more calm then I run towards Joel, hiding behind a corner with him.

He nods at me, looking gratefully that we are somehow not dead, yet...

Silence fills the rooms again, apart from the clicking of the infected as they try and scout out our positions.

I see Joel clearly struggling to reload his gun and I leave him for a minute, looking at him concerned before I snatch the gun out of his hand then quickly reload it and give it back.

He nods at me in appreciation then a clicker slowly limps it's way over to us, but at the last minute it hears a noise from another direction, which I have to assume is Tess and Ellie. Hey at least they are alive...

Me and Joel spots Ellie hiding behind a countertop and quietly move over to where she is sitting.

They start to shuffle there way round to somewhere more away from the clickers when Joel steps on something that makes a massive cracking sound.

A clicker suddenly runs up to Joel and tackles him to the ground.

I flinch in surprise when I see this and instinctively run towards him and push it off.

I quickly help Joel up and he manages to shoot it in the head multiple times, at least he's fixed his aiming problem.

Another one comes running after us and suddenly Tess appears and puts an axe in its head, stunning it briefly as it waves its arms around trying to find anyone.

Joel shoots it in the head and it falls to the ground, obviously dead as blood spills from it.

Date finished- 2/7/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 736 words

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