Part 2 ( Escaped)

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Kageyama POV

I woke up due to  someone shaking me,it was y/n as he told me that we managed to escape the facility and were at a place called Miyagi.
I couldn't believe after all these years I was finally at Miyagi my real home!!!
I was celebrating until dusk my other friend in that facility continued to speak in a cold voice "we three are the only ones who could survive this thing........ everyone else out there are declared dead." We three were silent as none of us had imagine anything like this would have happened I mean I was happy I was at my real home now but......that place has so many memories of my past and all the people out there also were like my family.

No one POV

As the three were busy at their own things a person knocked at the door and came inside ."Hi kids,I see you three are awake" uh not to be rude but who are you? said y/n in a suspicious tone."My name is Xavier Reynold. I am the doctor who has been taking care of you three for the past 3 weeks".He said trying not to scare us. "We were unconscious for 3 weeks!?!?!" kageyama says in a very loud voice as he was just trying to recover from the incident but now has to learn that the incident took 3 weeks ago. " Indeed,but consider yourself lucky you guys are safe now" Xavier says as the other two tries to calm kageyama.

"So what now?.....I mean we have escaped the facility and now are at the real world but what are we supposed to do now?" y/n says as he is confused what could they do now.
"Live a normal life ofcourse" Xavier says as he starts to text someone. "Wh-what?..." kageyama says as he couldn't believe what the man just said." did I heard that right?" y/n says, as he was also surprised by the man's words."Yes,you all heard me right,as I read the files about you guys,you all are pretty young and I myself am surprised that besides you all being that young you all all have the top most ranking out there....So all I can suggest or do for you is that you guys can live your normal lives,I am the one who is going to look after you etc etc. So you all agree with this?" The three were to stunned to speak after some seconds of silence they burst into tears and joy thinking they can finally live a normal life..........or they thought so.

No one POV

After some days after trusting Xavier they all were living happily but not for that long,they were going to be separated as Xavier told them if the  three are together they are going to be found by the agency again and put back into the facility with 0% of escape......

Sunday 1:00pm
At the train station

No one POV

There they three were wishing eachother goodbyes and remembering all the fun and the memorial memories they have made."So finally it's time we say goodbye...."y/n said in a weak tone as the three were very sad they were going to be separated but it was for their own good and they knew one day they will meet eachother again and when the train arrived they went their own ways .  Kageyama in (Miyagi) Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High ,dusk at (Sendai) Shirkidou Semmi Junior High and y/n at (Tokyo) Kurku Kenra Junior High . Now they will be living their normal lives thinking of eachother if they will meet ever again....

First of all so sorry for late post and that this chapter is too short and second of all.
So ya,as you noticed or not I made the school name myself by combining the haikyuu characters name cause Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High  it literally is like the name combination of kita,oikawa and daichi they just added g and i in the name and so I made Shirkidou Semmi Junior High name by combining shirabu, goshiki,tendou and semi and Kurku Kenra Junior High by combining the names of Kuro,yaku,kenma and Tora. (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠'⁠;⁠) I don't have a very smart brain to think more creative but for now thx for reading meet you in the next chapter. Sayonara~


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