Part 2: Goddess in the Vines

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Psyche lived in the darkness. For decades, maybe centuries. At times, a worshiper would visit her. A moment of light to comfort her before the abyss of eternity returned.

She spent most of her days running her fingers along the water surrounding her, watching ripples extend beyond the horizon to her right and into eternity. Well, until she felt the waves touch her left. The eternal darkness quickly became less infinite and more void. Her prison.

That is until a ripple of unknown origin touches her feet. She sits up to see the light breaking through and expanding before her.

Psyche reaches up to touch the tiny spark in front of her. Her spirit rips away from the eternal darkness to see a small girl bowing before her with a dark brown braid. She looks down at her hand to see a chocolate and feels the young girl's prayers.

The goddess does not know what causes her to reach back toward the young girl. Maybe loneliness? Fear of being left alone within the abyss again. So, she calls out to the girl, who accepts her presence. Perhaps unknowingly, Lucilla has become a priestess.

Psyche looks down at the chocolate and unwraps it as she watches the two mortals walk away. She eats the sacrifice with pleasure while taking in the temple surrounding her.

This used to be her temple. Followers would come daily to see her. Navy eyes flitter up towards the tree to watch the flowers fall. She used to love sitting up there to watch and listen. To be present in this world.

"Breathe," Psyche whispers to the wind, making it pick up, sending more flowers fluttering around her.

Her smile fades when she turns to see the vines surrounding the stone. The earth had hidden her, probably because of Demeter. That goddess always had difficulties letting go of a grudge. It isn't her fault that Aphrodite made her go into the underworld to ask Persephone for her beauty. Then, Persephone decided to play a trick, which resulted in a very curious Psyche ending up almost dead. Sure, Psyche shouldn't have opened the box. But she didn't know better. She was mortal then. And all she wanted was to be with Eos.

"Oh, Eos," Psyche sighs, forcing back tears.

Psyche glides forward to touch one of the vines and sighs. They will grow fast. There is no going back right now. She has to be rediscovered so the darkness doesn't overwhelm her again. So, she can have more time here to do better. 

"I need to go," she whispers. A stir sounds around her as she feels the spirits of the others around her move. "You may all stay. We will not disturb you."

Psyche strides forward after the young girl, Lucilla.

"I've heard stalking is a crime," a male voice sounds beside her.

Psyche turns to see the golden eyes of Janus. Her lips press together for a moment before replying, "Is this your way of letting me know that I can't go?"

Janus crosses his tan arms, letting the light glitter off his muscles in a subtle warning. "I have no reason to stop you."

Her navy eyes turn to see the two mortals enter a contraption that moves without horses.

"It's called a car," Janus supplies.

"I do not need your assistance," her side-eye sending a warning of its own. "The words will come to me on their own."

Janus raises his hands in surrender. "I told you that I have no reason to stop you."

"Then why are you here?"

"I have not seen you in over a century. We thought you decided to move on. I had to check that this feeling wasn't a lie," Janus shrugs. "This place has become a bit boring since your spat ended."

Psyche snorts as flowers fall through their spirit forms. "It would help if vines did not cover me. Demeter and Persephone—"

"I'm only here to watch. Not to get involved."

Psyche snorts. "Typical."

"What? I saw where your spat got you!"

"Spat?! Hardly! That—" Psyche stops her own words by holding up a hand. "It doesn't matter now. I am free from the abyss and can act again."

A horn sounds in the distance, making Psyche jump. She can feel the young girl becoming further away from her.

"Eros will be happy you are finally free."

Psyche closes her eyes momentarily, clenching her hands into fists. "I am sure he will be."

"His statue at this temple is just—"

"I need to go now, Janus. If he or his mother visits here, you may tell them I will be around."

Her navy eyes look down the steps to see more contraptions go by. The word "bus" flies into her mind, and she smiles. Oh, the beauty of being divine. Humans scurry along the street without glancing up at them, completely unaware. Could they even feel their presence anymore?

"And, if they tell me to block your re-entry?"

Psyche smirks, "I thought you didn't want to be involved? Is that second face of yours showing already?"

Janus lets his body float toward the entry arch, "I just don't want to be involved in the boring drama. Aphrodite is hardly ever boring."

Psyche eyes the god warily. "You can remind my husband and mother-in-law that I can enter and go from this temple if I please. I—"

"Could be destroyed by the vines," Janus interjects, pointing behind her.

Psyche's eyes burn and narrow. "My followers will restore me."

Golden eyes widen as his head rests on his fist. "Oh, this will be very interesting." The smirk on his face and the tone of his words lacking in sincerity. The other hand sweeps away from his body, causing the wind to push Psyche through the archway. "Now, hurry along. I am very hopeful this will cure me of my boredom."

Psyche tumbles down the stairs, with Janus's laughter following her down until her face is on the path. She can feel the footsteps of humans passing through her spirit as she rises to her feet.

The audacity. The humiliation.

The humanity! They are all here! Her smile spreads quickly, watching each human pass through her. There had to be hundreds, no thousands! It will be so easy to find followers! Especially now that the little girl, Lucilla, has accepted her.

A crying baby passes through her and then stops crying. Psyche turns to it with a smile. She floats forward to match the stroller's pace and places two fingers upon its forehead to provide a small blessing. The baby coos happily.

"Huh," the mother mutters, serenity embracing her. The worry lines between the mother's eyebrows ease. She pauses to look back towards the steps, then shakes her head. "Not today. Tomorrow." And hurries away.

Psyche sighs, feeling the mother's anxiety pulse off of her. This will be difficult. The people have changed and will not be easily swayed by momentary feelings.

The goddess reaches out to find little Lucilla's spirit. A small smile spreads across her lips, and she flies away. Her little priestess awaits.


Welcome to Lucilla Plays Teacher!

This is the Lucilla show! I am the teacher now! I get sparkles, and glue, and paint to make the signs for teaching you about... stuff!

Grandma let me know that there are gods and goddesses for everything! She even gave me a book. See this page. This guy with blonde hair and grey eyes is named Janus. He is the one my grandma likes to talk to when there are huge changes about to happen. I think he is the one she had me sit with before the school year. But I didn't give him chocolate. He didn't seem like he would like that. Oh, well. This book is boring. Let's read a different one next time!

When you give a goddess a chocolate...Where stories live. Discover now