Part 6: Proving Yourself

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The sun peaks out behind the clouds as the wind ruffles the young boy's hair. His hands clasp onto metal, pulling himself up as his friend pushes upward on his feet.

"Hurry," Kai hisses. "Before the teachers notice."

"You're going to love this," a pudgy-faced redhead beams, grunting while pushing on the boy's foot. "Psyche is going to make you feel so safe."

The young boy breaks his head to be above the monkey bars. The red-headed boy gives another push, causing the boy to slither to the top. A small cheer sounds from the twelve children watching around the playground's edge before Kai hisses for them to shush. The boy moves to a sitting position with his legs between the monkey bars.

Below is brown gravel that goes out a few feet before a small black wall emerges. The small wall extends around the playground to represent the edge between it and the grass. The stairs and access to the big slide are to the boy's right. More monkey bars and a short ladder to get up are to his left. The age of the structure shows where the paint has chipped away under his hands. Most kids like to stay on the other side of the yard where the new playground is. Maybe that's why Psyche's flock has chosen the older one around the corner. Fewer people. Fewer teachers. Less chance of getting caught and being put in time out.

Lucilla walks forward, holding the robot above her head. A soft murmur sounds.

"Let's begin," Lucilla instructs, causing everyone to fall to their knees in a semi-circle around the playground. "We are here to welcome Jacob to Psyche's flock. Jacob, do you trust Psyche to keep you safe?"

Jacob nods his ebony head. "I do."

The robot's eyes glow gold.

"Show Psyche you trust her by falling off the monkey bars," Lucilla says.

Jacob takes a deep breath. His legs move to hang over the front edge of the monkey bars. A collective inhale sounds around the playground before Jacob spreads his arms as if belly-flopping into a pool, falling forward to the ground.

A wind blows, pushing the edges of Lucilla's pink dress and her braid forward as she holds the robot above her head. The wind catches Jacob in midair, turns him over, and eases him to the ground.

The children jump to their feet, clapping their hands excitedly before running over to hug Jacob.

That puts our numbers to 30 now, and it's only been two weeks. Are there more today?

Lucilla nods, moving forward to hand the robot to Jacob so he can have a turn with Psyche. Other children shoot their hands out to touch the robot.

Okay, well, you better hurry. I can only distract the teachers for so long. One is becoming really hard to keep around the corner. I think she realizes no one is around to watch all of you.

"Psyche says we need to hurry," Lucilla announces, causing Jacob and the other children to gasp.

Jacob immediately hands the robot back to Lucilla before following the example of the other children by running to the playground's edge.

Lucilla turns to the circle. "Who else has come to join?"

A little boy with freckles and messy blonde hair stands up. "Me!" The group considers him in interest. No one has really heard him talk much before. "Danny!" He adds after a moment slapping a hand to his chest. "I tan to tis!"

He can do this. Psyche assures Lucilla, feeling the young girl's hesitation to let the boy try. I am here to help.

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