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"You see..." he scratched his nose and sighed again. "God, it's all so messed up. And embarrassing. Just... just listen until the end, okay?"
I nodded and motioned for him to continue. At this rate we're gonna stand here until Christmas.

"So, I was really excited about today. I'm not even going to deny this because it is what it is."

B3: That's what I call a confident gay. I stan.
B2 to B3: Hush, be quiet! I want to hear his explanation.
B3 to B2: Don't hush me!
B2 to B3: I'll hush you as often as it pleases me. Now, be quiet and listen before I forget myself!
B3 to B2: Okay, okay. Chill my dude... I'm only complying because I want to hear it too.
B2 to B3: Yeah whatever.

"I've been on a few dates before so I thought I would be relatively fine nervousness wise. Well the thing is... I wasn't.
I spend the whole day panicking about this moment." He made a vague gesture to our surroundings.

"My brain was overflowing with questions. Where should I take you? What should I wear? Stuff like that. I was a mess to be honest. But that was before everything started going downhill."
He snorted and shook his head in total disbelief.

"By now I'm mere seconds away from fainting due to all this stressing I did and the overdose of adrenaline my body experienced. But at the same time I'm the calmest I've been all day. That's probably because I don't believe anything can take me by surprise anymore. Or go much worse for that matter  Luck just isn't on my side today."

A chuckle escaped Cheol's lips and I swear this really is the most beautiful sound in the whole world! What would I give to hear it every day, every hour, every minute, every second of my life. Good Lords, how can someone's chuckle be this beautiful??
I swear, if a lightning bolt by Zeus himself stroke me right than and there for founding a new religion called "Worshippers of Seungcheol's Chuckle" I would die with a smile on my face.
But I have the feeling I'm getting sightly side tracked. Cheol was about to tell me why he was being late.

"The first thing to happen was a phone call."
I raised my brows. Phone calls are rarely good news. Was this the point were he would tell me about his ex? Or did his grandfather die?

"Aish, how do I explain this in a way you can follow. Uhm, right. So I have a third cousin. He's the son of my great-great-aunt's youngest granddaughter or something and for some reason he and I are really close even though we're just very distantly related and everyone I know wouldn't even recognise their third cousin on the street."

I mean, he's not wrong. Second cousins are hard enough to remember, but third cousins? Good god... I don't even know if I have third cousins, let alone what they look like.

"Anyways this cousin of mine has a best friend whom I'm friends with as well. And this friend had a boyfriend for the longest time and even shared an apartment with him, only for him to walk in on his boyfriend sleeping with a girl, who by the way was also a very close friend of his. A close friend of my cousin's best friend I mean. Not a friend of my cousin. You know what; it doesn't matter. Just forget about that. It's a little confusing."

A little? I haven't the faintest idea what's going on anymore! I'll just pretend I can follow. Maybe I'll figure out what all this is about and what it has to do with him being late later on in the story.

"The outcome of this whole thing is that my cousin's best friend wanted to get as far away from that cheating asshole as possible. A very valid desire in my opinion."

B1: Yeah, me too. No one wants to share their apartment with their cheating boyfriend.
B3: Cheating is a big No No.
B2: Agreed.

"I really wanted to punch that douche of a boyfriend square in the face for hurting my little baby as soon as I heard about it...
But anyways what happened is, my cousin's best friend packed his bags and left. His original plan was to stay at my cousin's place but he is currently in Japan because of a Judo competition and there's only one key to his apartment because he accidentally flushed the second one down the toilet about a week before he left for his competition. Naturally my cousin has the one remaining key with him in Japan so that's that."

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