XLV ; So Cold

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The way back was completely silent.

Hyunjin had managed to get Minho back in the car but the brunette hadn't opened his mouth once.

The taller one, too devastated to say anything anyway, had stuck to his task: to drive them safely back to the Park Hyatt in New York.

So after spending long hours in a heavy silence and a tense atmosphere, the two boys leave the car to go up side by side to their room on the twenty-second floor.

In front of the door on which their room number-526B-is displayed, they stop and Minho waits for Hyunjin to open it.

Once both inside, Minho takes off his shoes and goes to the bed on which he left his bag open. He closes it to put it on his shoulder, takes a pillow at the same time and he passes again in front of Hyunjin to get to the living room.

Hyunjin looks at him in confusion as he steps inside as well-after removing his shoes as well-and he finally breaks the silence that has lasted far too long.

- What are you doing...?

Minho puts his bag right next to the couch and settles his pillow on one end. He doesn't deign to glance at whoever has his eyes on him.

- I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.

He doesn't even bother to take off his clothes when he's already sitting on the sofa and he's got his back to the taller one, facing the backrest of his new "bed".

He didn't even bring a blanket to cover himself.

The swarthy's features stretch into a sad expression. During the journey, he had had time to calm his anger and his rage, but the sadness, he couldn't get rid of so easily.

He sighs slightly and turns off the lights, plunging the entire place into a stifling darkness.

After letting his eyes adjust to the darkness, he finds his way to the bed and changes into his pajamas to then slip under the sheets, which turn out to be very cold without the presence of the little one.

With great difficulty, he forces himself to fall asleep, and finally manages to do so after a long hour of staring at the ceiling and the walls.

Later that night, it was at the sound of a faint, distinct noise that he opened his eyes, frowning.

He pulls himself out from under the sheets after stretching and begins to follow the sound he distinctly hears.

It's when he approaches the oldest that he manages to identify the source of the constant but barely audible noise.

It's his breathing and his teeth chattering lightly.

He's shivering because he is not covered by sheets. His body is shaking a little and the boy is curled up on himself, his arms bent and his hands under his cheek to keep as much heat as possible.

Such a vision succeeds in making the greatest feel guilty. His heart tightens and he lowers himself slightly to the level of the smallest to pass the back of his hand on his cheek.

- I'm sorry Min'... I'm sorry...

He whispers his words, letting his eyes trace a sketchy path on the sleeping boy's face.

- I really acted like an asshole, but... I think I know how to redeem myself.

Hyunjin places a soft kiss on the forehead of the smallest before straightening up and slowly passing an arm behind his thighs and the other on his back, lifting him from the sofa without waking him to bring him on the bed.

He then places the covers over his body, up to his shoulders, and then he strokes his pale hair, smiling sadly.

- You deserve so much better...


Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now