The Rematch

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"So are you the good Xavier or the brainwashed Xavier?"  

"Good. But it doesn't mean I'm still mad,"  

"You nearly killed Iris,"  

"I know. There isn't a day I go without regretting that," 

"There isn't a day I go without regreting killing you,"  

"Someone has to pay,"  

"I'll help you move on. What's your unfinished business,"  

"Killing you,"  Bea inhaled slowly. 

"Okay then,"  she said. "A rematch. Tomorrow. The docks. Say...five-ish?"  Bea said. 

"Deal. The first to fall into the River of Lost Souls wins,"  

"Can we talk first?"  

"What's there to talk about?"  

"You were brainwashed. I did it because you were going to kill everyone,"  

"I understand that. But you still killed me,"  

"I just told you, I regret that every single day. I hate myself for it. Please. Can we please make up?"  Xavier rolled his eyes. 

"You think we can just make up?  Are you that naive?"  

"No, of course now I just...I want to help you...and I want you to be happy. And if another sword fight is what will make you happy and move on. I'll do it,"  Xavier gave a smug smile a walked away. Bea sighed. Iris walked out. 

"Was that...Xavier?"  she asked. Bea nodded. 

"And I just got myself in a rematch,"  


"I'll explain later,"  Bea and Iris walked inside. 

"Okay, explain now,"  Iris said. 

"Explain what?" Sunday asked, from the couch. Bea bit her lip. Sunday, Iris and now Henry were all staring at her.

"I possibly challenged Xavier to a rematch,"  

"WHAT?"  Henry yelled. "Where in your mind did you think that was a good idea?"  

"I dunno. I wanted to make it up to him,"  

"Bea you barely won the last time. Xavier had stabbed you in the shoulder and you stabbed him last second. You could lose this,"  

"I won't Hades wants me alive for some reason, so I'm staying alive,"  

"What makes you so sure that Hades wants you alive?"  Iris asked. 

"He saved me once. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want his hard work going to waste,"  Bea said. 

"Oh that's a smart guess,"  Sunday said, sarcastically. 

"It's a guess. That's what matters,"  Bea snapped. 

"You just gave yourself a death sentence! You planning on staying here after we're able to bring back Hook?"  

"I'm planning on winning,"  

"Guys. Calm down,"  Henry said. 

"Don't tell me to calm down,"  Sunday said. 

"Or what? You'll hit him with that dagger that you love so much?"  Bea said, smirking. 

"This dagger's my boyfriend!"  Silence. 

"It happened,"  Bea said, breaking the silence. "You've gone insane,"   Sunday glared at everyone then stormed out of the house. 

"The dagger's her boyfriend," Bea repeated. 

"Bea," Iris said.

"What? She said it. Not me,"  Iris and Henry looked at each other. 

"You have a sword fight to prepare for," Iris said. "You should get ready," Bea sighed. 

"How? Do you two know how to sword fight?" Iris and Henry shook their heads. "Then who's training with me?" 

"You know,"  Iris said. 

"No. Please, no. I don't want him to know about this,"  

"He'll learn either way, now come on,"  

"You got yourself into what?"  Hook demanded. Bea winced. 

"A rematch with Xavier," she repeated. Hook stared at her in disbelief. 

"You're kidding. You barely survived last time," 

"Yeah, I got that,"  Bea said, rolling her eyes. Hook stared at her. 

"Why would you do that?"  

"What would you have done?"  Hook didn't answer. Bea smiled slightly. 

"Now, are you gonna-"  Bea stopped. Mini vision. She didn't see the sword fight. Bea, saw herself talking to Hades. He held out a silver bracelet and placed it in her palm. Bea gasped, coming back from it. 

"What did you see?"  Hook asked. 

"Did you win?"  Iris asked. 

"I...I dunno. It was Hades...he gave me a bracelet,"  

"The King of the Underworld gave you a piece of jewelry?"  Iris asked. Bea nodded. Iris sighed. "Okay...well, do you think you can defeat him?" Bea nodded. 

"Why do you think I challenged him?"  

"Wait, you challenged him?"  Hook asked. Bea nodded. Hook rubbed his temples. 

"Baelfire really raised you well, didn't he?"  

"Father, we all know you would've done the same thing. Now I need to talk to someone quickly. See you,"  Bea walked away. She didn't really need to talk to anyone. She just wanted a moment to be alone. She sighed. She didn't think she could win this. Xavier was here because of her and wasn't gonna leave until she was dead. I'm dying in the Underworld...Bea thought dryly. Bea thought of everyone she knew. Iris, Sunday, Henry, Hook, everyone. She might never see them again. Bea held her head in her hands. She was barely scared. She was mostly angry at bullies and was never scared of dying. But for the first time, she was scared of Xavier and scared of dying. Bea didn't know any wise quotes or words of advice. Nothing that could make her feel better. Bea sighed. Stay strong, Bea    I will Bea sighed. The last thing her father had said to her before he died. staying strong was hard when you were in the Underworld, where everything came to die. And she was next. 

5:00. The time for the rematch. Bea tried to breathe normally. She gripped her sword and walked over to the dock. She had given Sawyer to Iris, given Iris one last kiss, and didn't see Sunday, so she couldn't apologize for their fight. Bea was just about ready to go see Xavier. It would just be the two of them. 

"Bea, wait!"  Bea stopped and turned. It was her father. 

"I have to go-"  

"I know...please. Stay alive,"  

"I'll try my best. I can't make any promises,"   

"No. Promise,"  Bea sighed. 

"I promise," Bea gave her father one last hug. 

"I love you, father,"  Bea whispered.  

"Stay. Alive."  Hook whispered back. Bea gave a small nod and walked away, trying not to cry. 

"You're late,"  Xavier said. 

"Sorry. You ready?"  

"Only if you are,"  Bea raised her sword. Xavier raised his. Bea saw Xavier examine it. Then throw it into the river. 

"Um, what did you just do?"  Bea asked. Xavier ran over to Bea. Bea raised her sword in defense. 

"Bea, you have to run. It's a trap. He wanted you here. And he's mad,"  

"Xavier, what's going on? Who wanted me here?" Bea asked. 


Journey to the Underworld. Daughter of Captain Hook Book 5Where stories live. Discover now