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"Hades? But he has my heart. He can summon me,"  

"He wouldn't tell me anything. He threatened Iris if I wouldn't do what he said,"  Bea's jaw dropped. 

"He did? So what you said was all an act?"  

"Some of the things I said were true. But Bea, you have to-"  Xavier was cut off by a circle of blue flames that appeared. When it disappeared, Hades was there. 

"Hey, kids. How's it going?"  Hades asked. Bea raised her sword. 

"Put that thing down, before you get hurt,"  Hades said, waving his hand. Bea's sword flung out of her hand and into the river of Lost souls. 

"No!"  Bea cried. Her sword that her mother had made for her and she had used every battle she had done was gone. Bea glared at Hades. 

"What do you want? And why did you bring Xavier into this? You have my heart,"  Hades took her heart out. 

"Yeah, there's a problem. You are an oracle,"  

"I know,"  

"And being one comes with some...pleasures,"  

"Go on..."  Bea said. She looked at Xavier. Run when I tell you to. she mouthed. Xavier nodded. 

"And one of those pleasures is no one being able to control you. In any way,"  

"Like my heart,"  Bea said, smiling. She looked at Xavier and nodded. He burst into a sprint. 

"And where do you think you're going, your highness?"  Hades waved his hand, and Xavier froze mid-run. 

"Leave Xavier out of this,"  Bea said. "He doesn't have anything to do with this,"  

"Oh, but he does,"  Hades said. "Xavier is a key point in your dark magic," Bea bit her lip. Xavier stepped in front of Bea. 

"She saved my life," he said, sternly. Bea looked at Xavier in shock. He was defending her. 

"She also killed you,"  

"I almost killed her girlfriend. I would've done the same thing if she did that,"  

"And I would understand,"  Bea said. They both looked at each other for a while. Bea looked away. This was too romantic. 

"Are you two done?  Because we have business that needs to get done,"  Hades said. 

"Let's hear it,"  Bea said. Hades walked over to Bea and touched her forehead. 

"Um...what are you doing?"  Bea asked. Hades pulled out something golden. 

"What is that?"  Xavier asked. 

"A memory,"  Hades said. Bea stared at it. 

"Which one is that?" 

"What memory don't you remember?"  Hades asked. Bea thought. 

"I don't know..." Hades waved his hand and the memory expanded. It showed Milah holding a baby. Bea gasped. She reached for the memory to touch it, but Hades shook his head. 

"A little oracle,"  Milah said to baby Bea. Bea smiled. Milah placed baby Bea in her crib. 

"I can't wait to tell your father,"  Milah said. She left. Then Hades entered.

"What?"  Bea said. 

"So. This is Merlin's new oracle,"  Past Hades said, picking up baby Bea. Bea felt her skin crawl. Past Hades waved his hand and a golden glow surrounded Bea. 


"That's your magic,"  Hades said. Past Hades cocked his head. 

"That's powerful," he said. "Too powerful. I can't have that,"  Bea looked at Hades in shock. 

"Wait..."  Past Hades touched baby Bea's golden glow. It turned from the most beautiful gold to the most disgusting black. Bea gasped. The memory disappeared. 

""  Bea couldn't say it. Xavier said it for her. 

"You gave her her dark magic,"

"Guilty,"  Hades said, smiling. "Because of me, you were destined to be a little darklet. Almost as strong as the Dark One. I couldn't wait to see you destroy everything. But then...your father stabbed you as a flying monkey. I couldn't have that. I needed you alive. So I just let you live and for some fun, I added some amnesia, to really get that anger to fuel your darkness,"  Bea gasped. 

"That was you?"  Hades nodded. 

"But then, the Dark One saw you as a tool and gave you your memory back and then Merlin gave you your light magic back. I knew I could give you back your dark magic. But you had to be alive," Bea's heart was pounding. 

"Then why not just do it immediately? Why wait for me to come down here?" Hades laughed as if it were obvious. 

"Because giving you it here, will make it stronger than ever,"  Hades waved his hand. Just like when she was a baby, a golden glow surrounded Bea. 

"No...stop it..."  Bea said, even though she knew that would do nothing. She tried to run, but couldn't. Hades waved his hand and the glow glitched. Hades's brow furrowed. He tried again. 

"Xavier get help!"  Bea cried. Xavier broke into a sprint. Hades did nothing. He must be concentrating all of his magic on me. Bea thought. The glow glitched but stayed gold. Hades's eyes widened in realization. 

"You've gotten too used to your light magic, I can't put it all on you immediately. Only you can do that,"  

"Well I won't,"  Bea said. Hades smiled. 

"You might,"  He waved his hand one more time. The glow stayed golden, but it started to turn black, at the fingertips. Bea unfroze and stared at her hands. The tips of her fingers were so pale, they were gray. 

"Over time, your darkness will return. Bigger and better than ever,"  Hades said. "You will turn on everyone. And become the Queen of Darkness,"  

"The Queen of Darkness?  That's the best you could come up with?"  Bea said. She didn't realize how hollow her voice was. Hades laughed. 

"I'll try to think of better. But you will become evil and you won't try to fight the darkness consuming you," Tears formed in her eyes. Her worst nightmare was coming true. 

"I mean, of course, you might just want to give in to it,"  Hades pulled out a silver bracelet. Bea inhaled sharply as Hades pressed it into her palm. Just like the mini vision. "This little trinket will activate your true dark power. And only you can activate it,"  Bea stared at it. 

"I don't want it,"  

"Too bad. Now you just need someone who gives you that anger to power your darkness. But who..."  Tears streamed down Bea's face. This was horrible. She would rather have died from her father stabbing her or that poisoned sword. 

"Oh! I have an idea of who,"  Hades waved his hand. Bea couldn't recognize where they suddenly were. Until she same him...

"Hello, Beatrice,"  Peter said. 

Journey to the Underworld. Daughter of Captain Hook Book 5Where stories live. Discover now