chapter 6

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TW: Ed, rape, drinking, smoking

Chuuya's life was.. something

His mother and him didn't have the best relationship. She was gone all day fucking with other men and get paid for it while chuuya was raising himself all alone and everything went downhill really early.

When he was 13 some of the teenagers at his school told him to smoke with them and drink because they found him cool, he became friends with them in a instant and did what they did even though they were 16 and he was a lots of years younger.

He got bullied for his appearance and developed an eating disorder. For months he was skin and bones and at the hospital while they tried to feed him with a tube "Look what you did! Now we have to pay for the hospital bills! I will have to sell you to men to rape you if I want to get money!" and that's exactly what his mother did.

She sent her son to men that payed to rape him and take advantage of him to enjoy themselves. He was 14. In total five men took advantage of him and then they had enough money for the hospital bills but he was left traumatized. He never talked to his mother since then or only said a word when needed to. He got a job after school to buy his own food, he didn't want anything from that hideous woman called "his mother".

His friends were pretending, he was just a cool person that they liked to hangout with but they weren't true friends, they were talking behind his back and he knew it, he knew it but still continued being Mr popular so that he could feel good about himself.

Everytime he ate he would make himself throw up or when he showered he screamed and cried as he tried to wash off the touch of the men but he failed. He could feel them touching his body and taking control of him. He hated it. He hated it more than anything in the world, he wanted to dissapear, he didn't want this body.

When he moved nobody said goodbye to him and he didn't say anything too, but soon after tachihara realised, no one else. At the bus he just listened to music and took a different bus from his mother, he didn't want to even be in the same place as her.

When he met dazai he felt a connection, like someone was real and wasn't lying to his face, like he could trust him.


"Hey shitty dazai" they were both laying on dazai's bed, he was reading a manga, when he heard the ginger's voice he put it down and looked at him "mhm?" "I want to tell you about my life" "tell me then" chuuya sighed and stared straight in his dark pierced eyes with long beautiful lashes "when I was a kid I basically raised myself, I never knew who my dad was, he wasn't there and my mother was doing dirty jobs all day, at school I met some kids that got me into smoking and drinking, I was bullied and made fun of and got an eating disorder, I was at the hospital and because my mom didn't have the money for that he sold me out to 5 men to pay off the hospital bills, I was raped and taken advantage of, I still feel their hands on my body, touching me. Then I made new friends that were fake, and moved here." Dazai didn't know what to say. He moved closer to chuuya and he got up too wondering what the bruenette was planning but he just hugged him. He held the short boy in his arms, he didn't say anything, he just continued holding him. The only thing he was thinking was 'that's how to comfort someone right?'.

After that they climbed on the roof and looked at the stars while talking about their lives, first kisses, things that they like and hate, anything. It was such a simple thing to do but it still made them happy.

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