1 Part 1

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CHAPTER 1 (1/10)  : Stone Cub

The moon shone brightly, tonight. Two demons walking near the waterfall. A gibbon with impatient writing all over his agressive movement and a calm white furred monkey. The white furred warrior following the slow step of the tall gibbon demon movement. "Come on, you didn't mean that... Do you?" The warrior chuckled. Hoping that it was all a joke and everything could turn back like what it was. But the cold breeze of the mountain, didn't comfort him at all. It only intensifies his fear. The gibbon demon glance at the monkey, both of his hands clenched "Do you really think, that this could last forever?" He asked the warrior dressed in red robes.

Instead of answering the gibbon's question "He'll be back. He promised. We just need to be patience." The white furred monkey tried to reason. Pleading in his mind for the demon to stay a little longer.

"LiuEr Mihou. It's pathetic that you still believe he'll be ever be free from that mountain." The gibbon reminded the six eared demon. 

"I've been waiting for ages, I've wasted most of my lifespan, waiting here, for the return of our friend. But I am old now, how much longer should I wait, Before I turn to dust? I am not immortal, you and I both know that. Leaving will be the best option. So are you with me or not?" The gibbon asked for the last time, offering his hand to the warrior. The white furred warrior eyes widened staring at the gibbon's hand and then at the gibbon's eyes. It wasn't like the six eared monkey hadn't thinking about fleeing the mountain, and abandoning all the responsibility that is thrown to him. It's a thought that he keep thinking of everyday. The idea of to be freed, is great. 

But his hand couldn't reach to the gibbon's hand, he couldn't bring himself to do so. If he left, no one will be able to protect the monkeys from Sun Wukong's enemy, the pesky humans and celestial being's wrath. The mountain soon will crumble down, and left nothing but ruins if he left. He couldn't be selfish. Macaque could only turn his head to the side. Ignoring the invisibles spikes of regret slowly piercing through his skin, when his once comrade in arms, the cooper gibbon turning away from him and left the mountain. Possibly forever. Like the rest of his comrades. Now he is the only pillar that holding the flower and fruit mountain. 

Macaque sighed, the sorrow in his heart quickly extinguished, replaced by the anger building up in his mind. Everything was a mess. Sun Wukong wasn't supposed to be trapped under a mountain, their comrades shouldn't disbanded, and here he is. Alone on top of a stone plate, inches away from the waterfall. ,"Calm down... It will be fine. You don't need them anyway." The six eared warrior mumbled, leaving the waterfall and walked somewhere below the area of the mountain. Patrolling in case there's a demon or more try to trespass the great sage's territory. The shadow below the white furred demon boots, multiplied, taking the shape of the shadow owner and start slithering to different areas to help scout out for any enemies. 

The warrior stop his steps, the moment his left ear fluttered, catching the smallest sound of cracking noise. "Gotcha.." the white furred demon sneered, sinking in his shadow, and emerges to another place where he heard the noise. There's a small stone on top of a larger stone. The smaller stone shook, before it cracked, revealing a dark brown furred monkey, with a peach-orangish mask painted on their face. "What-" the warrior said. And the cub chirped at him. "No, no, no, no. I have enough drama today. I am not dealing with this." Macaque said angrily and turning heels around, walking away from the chirping cub that shivering in the embrace of the cold night breeze. The pitiful chirps manage to guilt trip the warrior to stop on his track and take a few glances at the newborn cub. Contemplating if he should or shouldn't just leave and let the others to find the cub. 

But the cub just born. Newborn cubs have weak immune system, and might be dead when the sun rises from hypothermia and starvation. Not counting the other predator that's been roaming around the mountain. The warrior sighed and walks back to carry the cub in his arm. The cub happily chirped and moving around to find warmth. "Stop moving around!" The white furred demon scolded. But the cub ignores him and manage to get inside the six ears red robes and use it like a coat or a blanket to shield themselves from the cold wind. "You are ridiculous." Macaque mocked the cub. But the oblivious monkey only happily chirped at the older monkey. Happy to finally receive warmth.


Comment & Click the star button on the bottom to motivate me to write more chapters - munhegi

Yes the cub is MK. And I dunno if MK should be Monkey King's younger brother or something or not related at all.

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