1 Part 3

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CHAPTER 1 (3/10)  : Stone Cub

When the sun rises, the stars and moon quickly cowering away from the sky. The local mountain monkeys resident began to wake up the moment the gold ray hits the mountain and continue their normal routine. The elders grooming the cubs, while the adults and teen began scattering around to find food for their family. The only one that didn't do that is the six eared demon. He, the warrior who guarded the mountain during the cold freezing night. Hadn't sleep a wink. The white furred monkey could feel his gold eyes burning from the lack of sleep, each time he blinks. Currently he is sitting on a large boulder, watching the area. The shadow clones he had set around the mountain still roaming around. Helping the shadow manipulator monitors the other parts of the mountain.

An elderly monkey stared at the obviously sleep deprived six eared Macaque, "you look horrible. You look like a panda, with how dark your eyebags is." the elder chirped.

"And look at your body, it's skin and bones. I see no meat at all. You should rest for a while." the monkey scolded.

"I can't, there are too many things for me to do." Macaque told the elderly monkey.

"You can do it later. You need to rest." The elderly monkey scolded.

"If I rest, who will protect the mountain?" 

"We are not weak. Now leave before I have the cubs tackle you down." The elderly monkey threatened.

"Alright, alright." The shadow manipulator gave up and listened to the elderly monkey. Sinking into the shadow under his feet, the warrior returned to his nest. Macaque quietly sink into his nest, trying to not disturb the sleeping stone monkey cub in it. He has deep understanding about his own power. Shadow clones need commands, without a master to command them, they'll just do whatever they think is right. Hopefully taking a nap won't make the shadow demon's clones create chaos. Blinking tiredly, the shadow demon manages to fall asleep and enter to his subconscious world.

By the time the stone cub woke up, It's already noon. And the gold eyes of the stone cub are scanning around the unfamiliar room he is in. The cub does notice the slumbering demon beside him. he recognizes the six eared demon as his caregiver. The caregiver is sleeping. He doesn't want to bother the older demon's sleep. But currently, his stomach is rumbling for food. And the dark furred cub hates this feeling, so he decided to find that weird thing that his caregiver has fed him last night. Carefully climbing down the nest, the energetic stone monkey cub run out to explore. Searching for the weird food he likes. Running around the cave the young monkey found out where the six eared demon store his food pile. The dark brown furred cub chirped in excitement. But there is another problem that the cub is facing. To get the mango, he needs to climb up on the food pile and take it out himself. Any logical cub will know that the mango is too heavy for them to carry, and the mango is placed too high for a cub to reach.

That was the case for other cubs. The stone monkey cub on the other hand think that this is an easy task for him. With no hesitation and lack of plan, the cub happily chirped before climbing the food pile. Starting with the food on the lower part of the food pile are stacks of watermelons and pumpkins, the cub carefully climbs them, trying not to damage the fruits. After successfully climbing it, the cub is greeted by apples, pears, peaches and bananas. It looks easy for the cub to climb, because those fruits are smaller, easier to grasp, so he should be able to climb it easily. The cub grasp on the apple about to climb up but stopped when he notices that the apple moves the moment there is pressure pushing it back and the stack of food pile also shifted a little. The golden eyes cub concluded that the upper part of the food pile isn't stable like the watermelons and pumpkins he had climbed. But if he didn't climb up, how will he reach for the fruit? 

The dark brown furred cub stare at the mangoes stack on top of the food pile. The cub scratches the fur on the back of his head while thinking. He can't climb it, maybe throwing something can make the mango fall down. After that he could climb down and get the mango. The cub reaches for the apple near to him and take it out, the fruit pile shook but it isn't enough to make it fall. The cub learned something new again. Taking out something that is in the pile could shook its form. He needs to be careful next time. The stone cub then flung the apple up, targeting the mango. But it missed. Carefully taking out a pear from the pile, he throws it, aiming the same target but he failed again. The cub then repeated to take out a fruit and throw it and keep missing his target. At one point, it's hard for the younger monkey to take another fruit out. The food pile already unstable for him to risk it. And he only has a peach left on his hand. The pink fruit with a small splash of yellow on it, is it safe for him to consume?

The dark furred cub's stomach growled. The cub throws away all of his cautiousness and took a risk by biting the fruit. Ripping a small chunk of the peach with his small infant fangs. Chewing it slowly to get a taste test. The golden eyes of the cub widened, and glowed. The sweet taste of the fruit exploded in the younger monkey's mouth. The next bite was more aggressive than the previous careful bite. The newborn cub quickly climbed down the food pile the moment he finished the peach on his hand and collect the other peaches that fallen to the ground. The golden eyes cub continued feasting on peaches.

Imagine the shadow demon's surprise when he woke up and found the cub next to him is missing. His lotus ears then catch a small sound of burping where he places his food pile, running out of the nest and to the small sounds he heard. He found a small stone monkey cub munching on a peach and burping. A few fruits lay on the floor and a lot of peaches missing from the food pile. The six eared monkey should be mad, especially when the small cub intrudes his home and stole fruits from him. But rage didn't fill his mind. Instead, the shadow manipulator snorted, amused of the stone cub display. Usually when someone get caught doing something, they'll be afraid. This little guy in front of him not only fearless but continue chewing on his peach. Reminding Macaque of Sun Wukong.

"What am I going to do with you, Bud?" Macaque wondered.

He only took the cub home because he felt pity that the cub would die if he left them alone in the freezing night. He has no experience on raising a cub, and there is no way that the other monkeys want to take care of a cub that aren't theirs. But raising a cub shouldn't be too difficult right? The shadow manipulator himself grow up independent, and he grow up fine. Macaque also felt lonely here in his cave. And this cub is born from a stone, the cub will grow up powerful. Maybe he could mold a warrior out of the cub. And both of them can protect the mountain together until Wukong's return. "Do you want to be a warrior, Bud?" the shadow demon asked. The golden eyes cub has no idea what Macaque is talking about, but he knows that Macaque is talking to him. So, the cub replied with a cheerful chirp.


Comment & Click the star button on the bottom to motivate me to write more chapters - munhegi

Believe me, I planned to publish this chapter hours ago. But I forgot- So here I am 1:52 AM in a rush editing the chapter format. :')

I feel like I want to write a timeskip, but that will erase MK growing up chapters-

Well do you guys want me to write a chapter about Macaque find similarities between MK and Monkey King?

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