1 Part 2

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CHAPTER 1 (2/10) : Stone Cub

Cradling one arm over the bulging robe where a stone monkey cub is hidden inside. The warrior could only went back to the hidden home inside the waterfall. Completely sealed with powerful power. He couldn't continue his patrol. Not when there's an anxious cub, whimpering inside his robe, clutching on his white fur like their life depends on it. Luckily he could trust his shadow clones to patrol around the mountain. Decreasing less of his worries. But that also meant that a large portion of his energy will be used to supply magic to control his mischievous clones. "Newborn cub needs milk," the older monkey muttered, his white tail slashing anxiously from left to right. It's obvious that there's no milk stored in the cave hidden behind the waterfall. Not only that, he also have nothing appropriate for him to take care of a newborn cub.

Macaque take a ripe mango out of the fruit pile that he gathered for food stocks. The shadow manipulator place the fruit on top of a wooden table before smashing it with hand. "This should be soft enough for your baby teeth." The six ears monkey said. Proud that he thought of a solution for his problem. The white furred monkey grab a handful of the soft and mushy mango, holding it in front of the newborn cub's face. Signaling the cub to eat it. The younger monkey stare at the orange weird looking chunks on the older monkey hand. The brown furred cub whined and turn their head away from the food. Whining for another food. Anything but that orange thing.

"Come on bud. Just try it. You'll love it. It's sweet." Thee older monkey said trying to get the cub to eat. But the cub didn't budge.

Macaque left eye twitches, "Great, a picky eater..." the demon muttered. Throwing the gooey mango off his hand and to the table, with the rest of the Mango's crime scene. The shadow manipulator sighed, he hates it that he did useless thing again. Now he have to clean the table and he didn't manage to get the cub to eat. The brown furred little monkey whined again, tugging on the older monkey chest fur for food. Any normal parents, would have melted at the cub's action. They would have given anything that the precious little younglings wanted. But Macaque, isn't any normal parents, he isn't even qualified to be a parent to begin with. "I am not wasting any food to see which fruit is your favorite kid." The older demon said forcing the younger monkey out of his red robes. "If you're starving, you'll have to eat what's already prepared for you." The shadow manipulator scolded, and place the cub on the table in front of the gooey chunks of what once a perfectly fine mango. Not letting the cub having an attitude under his care.

The baby monkey stared at the strange orange goo. Before the brown furred cub stared at the older monkey with confusion. Whining, pleading with teary eyes, for food. But the shadow manipulator didn't give his pity to the cub a second time and just watches the cub as they cry tears of puddles. The brown furred cub softly chirping, clawing sympathy to the white furred monkey's heart to give him what his heart currently desire, to erase the terrible feeling in his stomach. To erase the hunger they felt. But Macaque didn't bat an eye, at the demonstration of the pitiful cry from the cub. The shadow manipulator is standing firm with his decision. The warrior refused to have the little monkey think that they could have everything they wanted with a single cry. No, the world doesn't work like that. The world is cruel. And the young monkey need to understand it sooner rather then later.

Seeing that the cry didn't made the shadow manipulator move. The soft chirps soon turned into loud screech. The brown furred little monkey no longer plead, no longer beg for the six eared demon attention and love. Instead it's demanding. Commanding the older monkey to feed them. The shadow manipulator lotus ears fluttered but other than that, his expression is still stoic. Staring at the angry scrunched up, red face, cub screeching at him at the top of their lungs. But the tantrum cub, slowly lowers their voice after several minutes of screeching but didn't get any reaction from the warrior. A rumbling sound erupted from the little monkey tummy. The newborn monkey squeaked, and softly whimpering. Wishing the pain to go away. The gold eyes little monkey stared at the strange orange goo again. Contemplating if it's safe for them to consume.

The cub scooped a handful of the orange colored goo. It's slimy, and soft. The little monkey shove the mango in their mouth and start munching on it. It start with one scoop. And becoming two scoops and slowly the cub began to feast on the pile of smushed mango on the table. Savoring it until the last piece. The cub felt full and sleepy after they done eating their meal. The little stone monkey let out a yawn. The warrior scooped the newborn into his arm, carefully bringing the cub to his warm nest to rest. After laying the sleeping cub in the nest. The warrior didn't stay with the cub, he didn't want to sleep right now. It wasn't the right time for him to rest. Especially not when he is the only pillar left holding the mountain together. The only warrior left to defend it from greedy eyes. During this silent night, he have to fully guard the mountain. He have no idea when the news of his gibbon friend had left, will arrive to others ears. He have no idea when the others going the attack. So he left the nest, continuing his night patrol along with his clones. Praying in his heart that Sun Wukong will be back soon, to help him protect their home.


Comment & Click the star button on the bottom to motivate me to write more chapters - munhegi

Macaque haven't discover MK is a boy yet. Because he doesn't pay attention to the cub. So yes, he keep referring baby monkey MK as they/them.

The reason Macaque didn't flinch when baby MK screech at him despite having six ears is because Macaque have earplugs on his four ears. So it didn't really hurt his ears when MK screech.

I hc Monkey King is really chaotic and loud. He can't control his volume even though he knew Macaque ears are sensitive to sound. So Macaque is forced to find solution for his poor ears. Earplugs is his best solution.

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