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Draco P.O.V.

"How was the big oaf in charge of the creatures today? Get anymore monsters after you?" Goyle says, chicken taking up half his mouth.

"Fine" I reply.

"Anything exciting?" he asked.


"Why is Pansey mad at you then?"


"Come again?"

"I think it was the eyes I drew, haven't the faintest whose they were" escapes me as I push food around my plate.

"She think you're goin out with another girl? Are you?"

"Why don't you go bother Cra-" oh no, i forgot again. Goyles face drops. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I-"

"I forget sometimes too" Goyle faux laughs a bit "I'll uh, see you in awhile." He gets up and I'm now by myself again.

Hermione P.O.V.

Was Goyle sobbing? Passing him without Crabbe in tow felt strange, I hadn't really noticed yesterday but the classes had really thinned out. Even with the third and the returning year combined it seemed to be about the size of a regular year. At least the first years weren't as badly effected, they hadn't been here for the battle.

I entered the hall and spotted Charlie by himself at the Slytherin table.

"Where are your new friends Charlie?" I asked as I took a seat beside him.

"Haven't got any" he replied sadly "Nobody likes Slytherin and I don't even know anything about magic yet and it's scary"

"Well " I paused as I noticed a platinum blonde head turn my way "no house is a bad house, they are different but none are bad. I remember when magic was new to me and it seemed scary at first but its also very interesting, I stayed up late at night trying to learn everything I could.Think of it as an adventure." I grabbed a roll off the table. "If you never go out on an adventure, you'll never know what is out there and since the hat put you in Slytherin even if you get stuck you are resourceful, you can make it through."

"I guess"

"Well I'm sure, strike up a conversation and you will have some friends in no time, why not the girl over there?"

"She is a Hufflepuff though" he sighed

"She is a potential friend, now go"

"Fine" he responded one last time before relocating next to the girl at the Hufflepuff table.

I ate the roll that had been in my hand but had a strange feeling I was being watched. Mouth still on the roll I looked around noticing several confused Slytherins. Right, Slytherins, at the Slytherin table. I sat up a bit straighter and continued to eat.

Draco P.O.V.

Granger is just sitting there, eating a roll. Why isn't she going back to her own table? The kid left already and she has friends at her own table. Should I talk to her? Should I go to a different table? No this is the Slytherin table.

"Scowling isn't a good look for you Malfoy" Granger calls to me.

I snap back, I must have been staring. She didn't even turn her head to insult me, at my own table. What audacity.

Hermione P.O.V.

Why is he still staring at me? Do I have crumbs on me? I brush off my robes and grab an apple as I get up. Better check in with Ginny and Harry.

Before sitting across from the two I stuff the apple in my pocket.

"Anything interesting happen in the past few hours?" I inquire

"Well I saw the head girl talk to a baby snake, saw a baby snake befriend a honey badger, and Harry managed to fall up some stairs today" Ginny smiled

"I didn't think anyone noticed" Harry mumbled as Ginny and I broke out laughing.

"Hagrid is back" I say causing Harry to perk back up.

"He is?! I have to go, I'll see you two later" a peck on his girlfriends cheek and he was off.

"I wasn't even sure he was still around" Ginny admitted.

"Must be in order to teach, not sure why he wasn't at the feast. Or I don't remember seeing him at least." I thought back to last night but regretted it, how had so much happened?

"Are you doing alright?"

"I think I am"

"It's okay if you aren't, if you need anything just ask alright?"

"Time is probably it, unfortunately I don't have a time turner anymore" the two of us chuckle. "I think I need some air, talk to you in awhile?"

"Sounds good to me, have fun head girl"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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