The Burrow

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I do not own any of the rights to the Harry potter series and this book is to be used only for entertainment reasons, not to copyright any carecteurs, places, people and or other components. Thank you and enjoy!


Hermione P.O.V.

I am so happy! This morning I woke up to an owl tapping on my window with an envelope from Hogwarts (I'm surprised it didn't wake Ginny up [I've been staying at the Burrow since August and Ginny and I share a room]). As I opened it up, a prefect bagde fell out as well as a peice of parchment saying I was head girl, and landed on the floor. I shreiked with joy and Ginny practicaly broke her nose as she lept from her bed.

"Merlins pants Hermione what the hell is wrong?' Ginny said in surprise as she recovered from her fall.


"I'm happy for you,really, but did you need to wake everyone up?" Ginny said less then entheusiasticaly as she rolled over and put her head under her pillow as everyone ran into the room.

"Whats going on?' Mr. Weasley shouted.

"Hermione is headgirl" Ginny mumbled from under her pillow.

"Bloody great Hermione", Ron said in a half asleep voice.

"Ronald Weasley watch your mouth!"exclaiment Mrs. Weasley as she sent a death stare at Ron wich made Ron crumble and everyone else laugh.

"Lets all go down stairs for breakfast" Mrs. Weasley said still glaring at Ron.

As everyone left I sat down and read the parchment from Hogwarts. Since Ginny was awake any way I decided to read the note alowd (other than the suplies list) " Dear Miss H. Granger, I am pleased to say that you have earned the position of head girl in your final student year at Hogwarts. Scince last yeaar was disturbed by the war you should be pleased to know that all of the students in your year shall be returning with you and that the castle has been nearly completly restored. As head girl you are going to have many more responsibilities and duties wich will be discused on the train to Hogwarts.I am looking forward to working with you this year to further run Hogwarts. Be sure to be at platform 9and 3/4 in three days, Headmaster M. McGonagall."

"Great now lets go eat breakfast" Ginny said now fully awake.

As we went down stairs Ginny opened her letter and saw that she was a prefect as well and I spoted Ron and Harry looking at their letters. Hmmmmmm, wonder if it will be Harry or my wonderful boyfriend who will be head boy? Or will it be someone else? Questions questions, questions.

"Did either of you get head boy?" I asked as I sat beside Ron and rested my head on his shoulder.Ron and Harry each shook their heads. 

"Do you ever stop eating?" Ginny snarled  at Ron as he stuffed his mouth with even more syrup and pancakes.

" Don't pay any attention to him love, and I think he always eats." Harry said with a smile. 

"Has everyone packed up their trunks?" Mrs. Weasley said as she filled the large plate in the middle of the table with more pancakes wich Ron greatfully grabbed. Scince no one answered Mrs. Weasley said that after breakfast we were to pack up.

Later in the day after everyone had finished packing we went out and Harry and Ron played quidditch as Ginny and I talked about different things such as boys, clothes and other gossipy things. As we were talking Ginny asked me why I was even dating Ron and I said he was honest, nice, kind and sweet. Ginny started to laugh so hard that Harry came down to see if she was okay as she screamed ''You're too much Hermione''.

Dinner was the same as lunch, long, noisey and delicious.

*Two days later*

Hermione P.O.V.

The past few days have really flown by! Ron is acting a little strange but then again, Ron is always a little strange but it's been a lot more noticible the past two days. Wonder what it is. Anyway tommorow we head back to Hogwarts and I get to see who head boy is! The suspence is killing me! But at the moment I can't get to sleep because I'm so happy thet I'm headgirl and have a wonderful life! Tommorow is the day!

I wake up early and see that Ginny is already dressed. Aparently she can wake up in the mornings after all. We chat a little before I get dressed and we head downstairs to eat before we leave for the train station. As we sit down Ron walkes down staires with Harry. I eat a little before Mrs. Weasley says its time to head out because the muggle cab is here.

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