Chapter 1

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Michelle was married to her husband David, but she wasn't having any feelings for him anymore so she decided to get a divorce. When Michelle left her ex husband it was just her and her young daughter, Kelsey. Kelsey was only 16 years old and she would always act as if she was an adult, but Michelle wasn't gonna deal with it if Kelsey lived with her. One night Michelle was out at a night club hanging around, drinking and dancing as if nothing was gonna stop her from having fun and when she was finally free from her last marriage she didn't care anymore. Michelle ended up meeting a nice handsome guy at the night club. Michelle hasn't gotten time to herself since her and her ex husband divorced and that was 1 month ago she divorced him. Michelle was sitting up at the bar and a very nice

stranger smiles and replies,"Well I've never seen such a beautiful woman like you in my life." He smiled and sat by her. She gazed up at him and saw him for the first time.

Her eyes sparkled like diamonds and she replies with a friendly smile,

" Hi I'm Michelle it's nice to meet you." He knew Michelle wanted to kiss him.

She asked him what is your name."

My name is Paul it's nice to meet you too."

Minutes later Paul wants to buy Michelle tequila shots and

she replies," Yes sure you can."

They dranked up the tequila shots and he decides to pay the bartender.

When Love Lasts 💜 (Michelle X Paul)Where stories live. Discover now