Chapter Twelve: ALEX

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Alex gave it a few days after her run in with Jake and the whole Faye, Renegade business to busy herself with normal life. But it didn't matter how many days she threw herself into lesson-planning and teaching, Jake and the Renegades had found a corner of her mind to call home. It wasn't like she could just forget that there was a Rebellion brewing.

Lying with her legs out on the sofa, crutch on the floor and Cricket beside her, she sighed and stared at her laptop.

Come on Alex. Focus. Even though it's Sunday, you still have Thursday's lessons to plan.

She gently slapped her cheeks, trying to get the Renegades out of her head.

There was no use her trying to uncover anything else right now. She'd hit a dead end with Jake and she didn't think Faye would appreciate her visiting again so soon. So that just left her with Cricket.

She checked her phone as it pinged.

On my way now. You better have some malted milk biscuits for me. It read.

With a smile, she fired back a reply and put her mind to work again. It was just her, Cricket and her friend, who was on his way. She needed to talk to someone who wasn't involved, for once. Someone completely oblivious.

Two knocks on her door. Grabbing her crutch, she hurried to open it.

"Hey—" her jaw hung open. She'd been expecting her friend, not...this.

Jake glanced at her.

"Let me in." he said, "We need to talk."

Stepping aside, she realised one, crucial thing. She didn't need to plan lessons. She needed a substitute.

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