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as usual rohan is drawing in the dark. he hasnt seen the light of day in weeks. he hasnt left his room in forever. his stomach grumbles loudly as he keeps sketching. rohan tries to ignore the sound of his rumbling belly but he cant take it anymore. it feels like hes eating himself from the inside. he stares at the watercolor paint on the table waterclors. he was experimenting with color. the bright shades of reds greens and pinks caught his eye. it looked so... appetizing. rohan knew it was wrong to eat paint but he couldnt resist it. he picked up the little chalky square of pigment and ate it. it tasted like shit. "WHY DID I EVEN DO THAT??" He bawled, eating his brand new watercolor pallet which was costly. Filled with regret he cried. His stomach was still empty. The urge to eat his supplies grew. Rohan chewed on the pen cap, knowing it was a hazard. The small pen cap popped off and slipped into rohans mouth. he panicked as he started choking. Almost falling from his chair due to his violent cough. Out of fear for his life he drank the paint water to try and get it down. suprisingly it worked. the water tasted like wet chalk and dust. rohan couldnt believe it. his like just flashed before his eyes. HE NEARLY DIED TO A FUCKING PEN CAP. He sat in his chair in shock from what just happened. he looked at the eraser on his table. it was a light pink color. he ate it. HE ATE IT. ROHAN PUT THE ERASER IN HIS MOUTH AND ATE IT. he started sobbing, thinking of his previous actions. "MY SUPPLIES... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!" he has a mental breakdown in his room, his face covered in paint yet showing guilt. he was truly in despair. rohan collected his tears in a jar and stopped crying. ehat the hell??? this man is deranged. then his worst fear came true. he had to pee. josuke and okuyasu were outside the window walking home from school. rohan had devised a plan for this mischievous action. he grabbed the cup the paint water was in previously and pissed in it. he got some pee on his pants but didnt really care. he walked to the window opening it slightly. it made a sound which alerted josuke and okuyasu. "bro did you hear that?" okuyasu said. josuke looks up to see the open window. "dont worry about it pal its just rohan being a freakin weirdo" The two prepare to start walking as josuke feels a liquid spill on his head and drip onto his face. "what the hell is this?!" IT WAS PEE. IT WAS ROHANS DEHYDRATED YELLOW PISS. josuke was infuriated and busted open rohans front door. "ROHAN WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN." Rohan jumped from his seat. he was shitting bricks. he quickly used heavens door on josuke to stop him from entering tje room. josuke banged on the door multiple times but eventually gave up and stormed out the house. Even though he was safe, there was still one problem. Rohan was still starving. He couldnt resist the urge any longer. he HAD TO eat the art supplies. he ravaged his drawers. no cabinet was left unsearched. in the matter of 30 minutes, the room had looked like a tornado just came in. books were off the shelves, drawings were scattered across the floor. there was pencil shavings everywhere. and i mean EVERYWHERE. rohan sat on the floor surrounded by crayons, oil pastels, glue, and other supplies. He was covered head to toe in pencil shavings, dirt and glitter. he felt an attraction to the glue. he stared and stared at it. five minutes passed before he swiped it and chugged the whole bottle. he knew he was crazy, but not this crazy. he hadnt blinked in 2 minutes. his eyes were stinging. he ate and ate and ate. he chewed up oil pastels, drank paint thinner. he shooke the glitter out of his hair before eating the glitter with glue and paint thinner. it was quite delicious. or maybe rohan was hallucinating. what if he gaslit himself into believing everything he ate tasted like fine cuisine? he woke up in the hospital. koichi found him in his room covered in paint, glitter, pencil shavings, glue, and so many more things that koichi couldnt believe. rohan slowly opened his eyes. "holy fuck... KOICHI WHAT HAPPENED TO ME??" The short teen stares. "i dunno, you tell me."

ignore the shitty grammar and spelling im not looking back on whatever this is... i had to get out of writers block somehow

Rohan Kishibe eats art supplies Where stories live. Discover now